Example sentences of "[vb -s] what [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dunedin has what the Book of Records claims to be the world 's steepest street , with a gradient of 1 in 1.4 .
2 Section 38 specifies what the expression means .
3 And the other one just specifies what the path is , does n't it ?
4 Even when a picture is used , it is not complete , it takes the form of an icon which contains what the perceiver considers matters at the time .
5 Similarly , Article 13 is expressly designed to allow service by post unless the law of the state of destination contains what the commentary describes as a ‘ positive prohibition ’ of such service , a requirement which is quite unrealistic in the context of the legal tradition of many countries which would actually take grave exception to such service .
6 Your only hope is to find Madame V — and pray the letter Beatrix sent her contains what the kidnappers want . ’
7 And so , Simon he he wants what the apostles have got .
8 In recounting his early lessons on the farm Mervyn Cater illustrates what a high standard of craftsmanship meant , not only in horse matters but in general work on the farm : and what kudos and local reputation the highest standard gave to the horseman .
9 The discussion on the perception of risk in Section II illustrates what a difficult area this is .
10 yes , mm , one wonders what a British company are doing manufacturing leg irons anyway in the twentieth century .
11 ‘ Rumoured Golf Links at Bolney ’ and one wonders what the next 80 years will bring .
12 Exactly how this will be done remains to be seen , but one wonders what the effects will be .
13 The results are uneven and one wonders what the result would have been if Mr Smith had examined all the companies covered by the original report for a longer period .
14 Even the early varieties developed in the time of Browning and Tennyson were nothing like the splendours of today , and one wonders what the genius of their poetic expressions would have made of the ethereal glow in the half light of ‘ Super Star ’ ( see page 129 ) , the exquisite shape and deepest of all crimson-black red of ‘ Charles Mallerin ’ or a hundred and one other modern marvels .
15 One wonders what the factors are which cause modern uncivilised behaviour ?
16 But do tell me — are you saying it matters what a mere woman thinks of you ?
17 During the first few tens of Ma Jupiter would cool so quickly that it hardly matters what the initial temperatures were provided that they were at least a few times 10 000 K. After a few hundred Ma , the exact time depending on the initial temperatures but in any case a small fraction of Jupiter 's lifetime , the rate of cooling would be far less .
18 When I tell her , she says what a wonderful Christian Pa is , by which , I imagine , she means his calmness in adversity .
19 I says what a bloody excuse , I says and his car broke down , shh bloody corporation buses here , why does n't he use a corporation bus to get in ?
20 Er what a lovely wife she says what a lovely man you are .
21 Kenneth says what a joy it is to be back on one of the Great Western ’ Castles ’ .
22 Oh yeah , I says what a clever fellow I am I say !
23 Erm which basically says what the main issues throughout the year were .
24 As it stands the districts seem to be wanting their cake and eat it in that they would like er a policy restricting development in the open countryside but they do n't want it to come with baggage that is specific which says what the exceptions should be .
25 Yes , that 's right , I mean it 's that most of you , most of you can , most of you can arrive at work in the morning and if somebody says what the traffic 's like you would n't know , because you do n't know how you got there .
26 And these are the prices quoted for erm no , it does n't say from no nope it just says what the prices would be .
27 Fiat has improved equipment levels across the board and a 1.1 Uno now casts what the 1-litre used to cost .
28 It all depends what the problem is . ’
29 But I 've I think it is a valid facility but it depends what the facilities for .
30 You know things like uppermost in people 's minds , I do n't know whether I suppose this question of fees might still be , I do n't know , it depends what the national executive say , but I mean I think it 's those issues and the fact we can respond quickly is , will be an advantage .
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