Example sentences of "[vb -s] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 That is what Britain needs as we move into what we all want , a really Happy New Year .
2 What hair really needs as you get older is some extra care .
3 Carmichael frowns as I tell him what happened on the Island yesterday .
4 Fergie frowns as she discovers she 's more than skin and bone
5 Nigel : ‘ It beats as it sweeps as it plugs up the hole in the ozone layer ? ’
6 Our four-hour leg across the Northern Territory was over a vast emptiness , with occasional small homesteads with small landing strips as we neared Darwin .
7 This demand for residential homes has as we have seen risen because of the decrease in the numbers of mentally handicapped children and adults living in hospitals .
8 In Ireland the personal accountability of a , TD has as we have seen unfortunate consequences : it puts a premium on mere popularity and enfeebles the Dail .
9 It 's interesting to note that actually now we 've since made that decision the residual has as I 've said come down to nine four seven , so if we do have a new settlement of fourteen hundred we 're already ending up with a a higher level of proposed development for Greater York now , the nine seven would obviously be exceeded if we had a fourteen hundred new settlement within Greater York .
10 It stands as it has always stood ,
11 Where desktop publishing begins to score , even over its close cousin corporate electronic publishing , CEPS as it is known , is in its ability to integrate with current personal computer systems .
12 For example , the ship has a power meter which drops as you get hit , but builds back up over a period of time , you do n't just simply die when hit .
13 His voice drops as he asks it .
14 the iron crunches as he takes the apple …
15 His shoulders are broader than he had supposed , he notices as he walks away from himself ; his bottom sticks out less .
16 Requesting the sales girl to make up the bill , he 'd proceeded to lower his dark head , his arms closing about her like steel bands as he 'd possessed Laura 's lips in a long , slow and devastating kiss .
17 From then on the film is a partially credible but increasingly fantastic documentation of the relationship between the two which develops as she teaches him to read during her spare time .
18 Empirical evidence of the participants ' interpretation of next turns is not available , and conversation analysts instead fall back on circular arguments , claiming that the conversation develops as it does by " orientation " to the same organizational devices which have to be taken for granted in order to get this interpretation of the data ( p. 120 ) .
19 Motivation develops as you get the habit of work .
20 It is certainly not enough to face reality bluntly if the future develops as I describe it .
21 She shouts as I enter her .
22 He blanches as he reminisces about past indiscretions .
23 Responsibility for controlling odour emissions which affect the public , lies as we have seen , with two main control agencies , the local authority environmental health department and the health and safety executive through their industrial air pollution inspectors , the latter in respect of odours emanating from premises registered under the Alkali , etc. , Works Regulation Act 1906 as amended by The Health and Safety ( Emissions into the Atmosphere ) Regulations 1983 .
24 Their use of supermarkets declines as they grow older .
25 It 's more than possible that there were a number of courtiers with the same build and looks as he . ’
26 oh I do n't want pigeon looks as I 'll have to clean the brasses this week
27 This is tougher than it first looks as it does not cover news , sport , game-shows or teletext services .
28 And , naturally a leather suite is as notable for its longlasting looks as it is for its enduring comfort .
29 When I work in a particular area I want to know why a landscape looks as it does .
30 A form of writing that deals with the historical evolution of the landscape can be recommended to anyone interested in understanding why the English landscape looks as it does .
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