Example sentences of "[vb -s] not on " in BNC.

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1 The new frontier for firms like BP , Statoil , Amoco and Pennzoil lies not on land but under the Caspian Sea .
2 One is led to conclude from all this that despite some tactical ‘ victories ’ here and there , the British point of view with respect to policy in the EEC has not on the whole prevailed , any more than has its influence over the development of the institutional framework of the Community .
3 Another common instrumental justification of consent turns not on the benefits of consenting but on the benefit of being able to consent .
4 According to my account of differentiation theory , however , the effect of discrimination training depends not on the associations it creates but on the fact that it concentrates the subject , s attention on distinctive features of the stimuli .
5 Incompetence ( or incapacity ) in a child , it should be noted , depends not on age but on maturity and the capacity to understand what is involved in any decision .
6 In the end , though , the verdict on Crack Wars depends not on its insights , but whether you like the style .
7 Most Romantic poetry depends not on statement but on suggestion and metaphor , whether concise , concrete and verbal , as in Keats and Hopkins , or diffuse , abstracted and structural , as in Shelley and Wordsworth .
8 Also many teachers of English succumbed to a kind of vitalism , a muddled belief that children 's acquisition of language skills depends not on craft and knowledge , but upon a living , spontaneous response to their reading and to their own experiences .
9 He said , ‘ Sister , that boy has got to run his course to crisis , and whether he survives or not depends not on myself or on any other member of the medical staff of this hospital .
10 The most important of these controversies has arisen over the theological nature of the established state church , and in particular over the prevalence and popularity of the doctrine of predestination — the belief that humankind is divided into immutable groups of the saved and the damned , and that an individual 's salvation depends not on his or her actions while on earth , but rather on a predetermined and arbitrary decision by God ( see Chapter 2 ) .
11 The creation of an effective school depends not on the application of some well-honed formulae nor on the opportunities provided by legislation .
12 In such situations — where the best X per cent of students are to get the As , the next best nX per cent the Bs , and so on — the grade awarded to a student depends not on the absolute level of performance he or she attains but on how he or she performs relative to other students .
13 What was overlooked in our discussion of stylistic competence is that our intuitive " placing " of a text depends not on an undifferentiated capacity to compare a text with the norm of the language , but rather on a responsiveness to a set of norms : a norm for spoken conversation , a norm for news reporting , a norm for writing diaries , a norm for historical novels , etc .
14 The captain may put on a very good act , convincing not just himself but even some of the passengers ; though whether their floating world will come through depends not on him but on the mad winds and sullen tides , the icebergs and the sudden crusts of reef .
15 Grain size analysis of fine sediments depends not on direct measurement of the particles themselves but rather upon indirect computations of diameters based on observation of the grain behaviour in fluids or the response of the fluids to displacement by the grains .
16 Whether public goods need be produced by the public sector depends not on their consumption characteristics , on which our definition of public good relies , but on their production characteristics .
17 We in Europe are all increasingly interdependent , and our sovereignty depends not on empty phrases and petty posturing but on recognition of that interdependent relationship and the part that we play in it .
18 In his welcoming remarks Bush stressed that " the success of this summit depends not on the agreements we will sign but on our efforts to overcome division and discord , to build a world of peace in freedom " ; Gorbachev also highlighted the symbolic significance of the summit as marking the end of the " prejudice , mistrust and animosity " of the Cold War .
19 The " public interest " is a value judgment , and the ethical impact of the Act depends not on the law of libel , but on the values of the press .
20 Normally , increases or reductions in publishing output tend to be undramatic , but in the 1980s the numbers of new titles published annually have gone up very substantially indeed — increases not on the whole matched by additions to library bookfunds .
21 Much of the power in both the House and the Senate resides not on the floor of the relevant house ( though the ultimate veto is there ) but rather in the various standing committees of each .
22 His chief fame rests not on any achievement of his own , but on that of his protege , Sir Joseph Paxton .
23 Western agencies are very envious of Mossad because it relies not on huge arrays of computerised technology but on a small group of efficient and dedicated men and women who are not bothered by any form of morality so long as Israel benefits .
24 In the Gospel faith is seen as an act of trust by which a person relies not on himself or herself but on Jesus .
25 Empirical evaluation differs from assessment , as the term is generally understood , in that it focuses not on the measurement of learner attainment as matched against norms or criteria of success but on the process of learning and the factors which appear to influence it .
26 In the first instance , therefore , he focuses not on history as such but on the related problem of hermeneutics and historical understanding : history here becomes a problem of meaning and interpretation — ‘ the age already in the past is in fact constituted in every respect as a text ’ .
27 For example , it suggests a way of looking at the relationship between science and technology which focuses not on the subject matter of the different disciplines , but rather the stance towards it and use made of it .
28 For present purposes it does not appear to matter ; the word ‘ appropriate ’ does not on either interpretation acquire the meaning contended for by the Crown .
29 And , although the skin thickens in the sun to protect itself , it does n't on a sunbed .
30 It does n't on yours it does all this , before you can get into print .
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