Example sentences of "[vb -s] [that] you " in BNC.

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1 The argument from analogy supposes that you can construct from your own case a concept of pains which can be felt by others rather than by you .
2 ‘ Then I suggest you get back to the mill as soon as possible , before anyone notices that you 're missing . ’
3 There are even rare cases when the employer accepts that you might be innocent and yet is entitled to dismiss you .
4 There 's a little old rhyme about sowing crops which accepts that you ca n't expect the maximum potential from a crop every time — you 've got to allow something for the other occupants of the land and it goes :
5 When you comfort her , she clings to you , because she worries that you will disappear again .
6 So far as overcoming your own tendencies to resist change , it is best to have some limbering up exercises that you inflict on yourself from time to time .
7 Abuelo Freitas said , ‘ Dr Rafaelo wants that you stay . ’
8 When you look after someone who is even only partly disabled , there is always a risk that you become so engrossed in his problems and needs that you forget to look after yourself .
10 Drafts that you made of the report and later improved or discarded should also be retained .
11 If the council thinks that you have given away or used up savings in order to qualify for , or increase the amount of your benefit they can treat you as still having those savings .
12 Annie thinks that you 're not worth worrying about .
13 ‘ And because of that application form , Matthew thinks that you 're just like me — that you 'll stretch the rules a bit to get what you want .
14 He thinks that you do n't care .
15 Sulien Blount is here with a horse for you , and begs that you will come to his mother , now , at once , for the Lady Donata is dying , and is asking to see you again , and hear you , before she dies . ’
16 It should also indicate the warning signs that you might look for such as : changed job frequently in the last five years , no sense of humour , over concerned with financial rewards .
17 The position of Venue and Mars guarantees that you have a lively weekend in store .
18 And what 's more , there 's no pressure to buy , no long term commitment to meet and a Red House ordering procedure that guarantees that you only ever get the books you ask for .
19 This guarantees that you receive the next 12 issues of Britain 's brightest outdoor magazine filled with all you need to know about where to walk and activity centres , plus there are loads of equipment tests and all the latest news about what 's going on in the countryside .
20 During training , your instructor makes you practise and insists that you try to fly more accurately and efficiently all the time .
21 ‘ Sorry , but the security johnny insists that you sign the visitors ' book .
22 If you work for a company which insists that you drive a particular brand of car , resign , first writing off the car in an accident in which two teenage hookers and a hallucinating macaw reach a rather untimely end .
23 Chris insists that you should n't give them anything you 're not prepared to eat yourself .
24 ‘ He insists that you meet his mother and discuss things — reasonably . ’
25 To this end , it insists that you obtain directly from LIFESPAN the modules which you are to inspect and you must enter your agreement under your own LIFESPAN user name .
26 If the hospital agrees that you need someone to travel with you , they also will get help with their travel costs .
27 Once you uncover the cause , the theory goes that you are half way to solving the particular problem that concerns you .
28 Wo n't it be wonderful when it happens that you and I will be able to share a little secret that , in the womb of Walsingham , on our diocesan retreat ‘ a prayer was uttered and a commitment determined .
29 It very rarely happens that you take several fish in one period and then nothing for the remainder of the time you spend on the water .
30 It sometimes happens that you want to find a particular book but you have forgotten , or never knew , the name of the author .
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