Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 In one direction only a little earthy bank separates me from the edge of the ocean , while in the other the valley goes back for miles and miles .
2 Starting early , I traverse the long ridge of hills that separates me from Isafjördur , arriving late in the afternoon .
3 What separates them from the dwindling ranks of mediocre C86-type bands are their songs : sparkling things that are packed full of love-drenched sentiments , mood-lifting hooklines and wonderful tunes .
4 This attribute separates them from the outside world and can be shared by no non-Japanese .
5 The problem , in other words , for the British in arguing their case for free trade is that they are up against a deep cultural divide which separates them from most of the other Member States .
6 There is an apple-tree up against the fence that separates them from their neighbours , but it has been given a kind of Buddhist monk 's haircut .
7 They should help small farmers , but not in a way that discourages them from getting larger or farming better : there must be no farming poverty trap .
8 Many are unfamiliar with , and suspicious of , statutory bodies , and limited command of English discourages them from using social service .
9 The Payment of Wages Act allows employers to make it a condition of employment that new employees should be paid through a bank , but prohibits them from doing this with existing employees ( though of course individual existing employees can agree voluntarily to accept bank-account payment ) .
10 But my contract of employment forbids me from getting involved in contentious politics ; I do so at the risk of having a court order taken out against me .
11 As a result the public interest is increasingly defined by expert professional administrators , and administrative decisions designed to promote the public interest are articulated in a language that screens them from effective parliamentary criticisms and public debate .
12 Diarrhoea which drives them from bed in the morning , worse ( < ) at 5 am .
13 Their narrow perspective alienates them from broad-minded people who value the business in broader terms , who value certain immeasurable bit critical factors such as morale , expertise and goodwill .
14 Women bear children in rapid succession when young and when they can no longer face the prospect of another child , they choose sterilization because it exempts them from having to take conscious and continuing responsibility for their own fertility in a culture which constantly denies women this right .
15 ‘ Till my husband returns , and rescues me from this misery ! ’
16 As Wood and Wood comment , ‘ relating ideas to their social context ’ far from ‘ depriving them of their universal meaning ’ in fact ‘ rescues them from the emptiness of ethereal abstractions which have no human meaning at all ’ ( ibid. p. x ) .
17 The UK exports no wastes , but accepts them from countries which either have or should have the capacity to destroy their own ‘ chemical arisings ’ , as scientists call waste products .
18 ‘ Ideally it needs someone from Alton .
19 I usually make her coffee , and if she runs out of fags or needs summat from the shops , I go for her .
20 She wants somebody from each
21 ‘ To me pornography is an activity which alienates one from life , ’ he says .
22 Likewise , control clicking ( holding down the CTRL key while you click ) allows you to select multiple items for processing and shift clicking highlights everything from the last highlighted item to the one your pointer is over as you shift click .
23 The new Directory holds everything from users and their privileges to file servers and printers as objects within a distributed database — the result is that a user logging onto one server gets immediate access to resources , irrespective of location on the internet .
24 But because he accepts something from the philosophers ' view , a view which leads to scepticism , he himself runs the risk of it .
25 Even though he does accept common-sense beliefs , he also accepts something from the philosophers which common sense would not .
26 The kit contains everything from antiseptic cream and scissors to a thermometer .
27 ‘ Only when she needs something from you , perhaps ? ’
28 Venice itself has everything from a ‘ Bellini cocktail ’ at Harry 's bar , to fruit and vegetables at the Rialto market ; exclusive designer wear can be found in the boutiques along the Mercerie .
29 It 's hard to fault the production as it has everything from passion to drama to sadness and comedy .
30 A ONE-DAY sale at Little Stanney Village Hall today has everything from Christmas decorations to household goods on offer .
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