Example sentences of "[vb -s] [pron] by " in BNC.

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1 And he irritates me by repeating things over and over again . ’
2 If he plays games to while away the tedious time , thought Cadfael , he plays them by noble rules , even those he makes up as he goes .
3 They remain hidden until it is threatened , when it displays them by turning itself upside-down .
4 In the first place , becoming a housewife impresses them by the very openness of the role [ ? ] and by the freedom they now have from constraining supervision …
5 What he is trying to describe , and to find terms to name , is what would later be called ‘ existential awareness ’ , an awareness which includes and involves ourselves by contrast with any more or less detached knowledge of facts and truths quite external to ourselves .
6 The Medau Society has them by the hundred — nay , by the thousand — and they have to be kept in order .
7 I want to get summat else to play with and I try and get up , but Peter holds me by the arm .
8 She exacerbates all his old anxieties and feelings of ambivalence towards ‘ mothers ’ , and because he can not cope , he defends himself by ignoring her as far as possible .
9 Disappointed , he returns to his rooms and consoles himself by looking through his collection of photographs of ten boys he has loved .
10 But in the third and final part of his expectations , Pip redeems himself by his loyalty towards Magwitch and his attempt to make things up to Joe and Biddy and his pursuit of the truth .
11 The thorny devil ( above ) relies simply on its immensely sharp and powerful spikes for protection , while the bearded lizard ( left ) defends itself by erecting its spiny throat skin .
12 Since expansion takes place laterally on exposure to moisture , there must be a resulting contraction longitudinally , which manifests itself by rotation of the coil to unwind , with of course , expansion on drying .
13 A secondary stage follows after a few more months and manifests itself by a rash on the face and body .
14 He holds you by the voice of his demands ,
15 As you get older , I think you learn that an afternoon playing with your daughter ( he has one by each marriage ) , or three hours reading , feeds the soul in a more real way than being on TV . ’
16 Clint defends herself by going on the attack .
17 He interrogates everyone : a Rouen merchant who amazes him by not having heard of mint sauce , and a canon of Evreux who informs him that in France the men read too much , while the women read next to nothing ( o rarer still Emma Bovary ! ) .
18 When one player meets another he challenges him by saying , ‘ Smee ’ .
19 If the child says , ‘ I dislike Auntie Kate ’ but seeks her company , holds her by the hand when they go out for a walk , and so on , we would conclude that he has not understood the word dislike .
20 I sometimes worried that he did n't have enough time to see his own music but it seems he has it by memory .
21 ‘ Shut the window , please ’ is said in a situation where the speaker rather expects the hearer to act so as to fulfil a certain sort of wish of his , if he indicates that he has it by an imperative sentence .
22 Mark emphasises it by only allowing one reference in his Gospel to Christians having the Holy Spirit , and that in a prophecy about what would be their lot in the days after the passion ( 13:11 ) .
23 At present the local authorities have a duty to provide residential accommodation if this is required for anyone who needs it by reason of age or infirmity .
24 Each of the dealing firms has a different amount of stock but you can work out who has what by how keenly the prices compare with the best bid , best offer .
25 In narratives as diverse as Jane Eyre and Great Expectations , we are aware , when reading , of a certain inevitability of outcome : the writer has us by the hand — in his or her hand , almost — and we know we will be led , not necessarily to a happy conclusion but that the narrative will be resolved at a place that feels safe and right , that leaves us satisfied .
26 He sacrifices four lambs at the base of the li ga , then takes two inside and kills them by slitting open the throat and the chest and cutting off one of the forelegs at the shoulder , so the heart can be taken out , still pumping , and offered to the god on a plate on the dhāmi 's raised seat .
27 While the film was a less personal project than The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp ( 1943 ) or A Matter of Life and Death ( 1946 ) , or even the subsequent The Red Shoes , the intensity of Powell 's personal relationships with both Kerr and Byron ( not at the same time ) communicates itself to the film , and its hothouse atmosphere loses nothing by the lack of wide open spaces .
28 If they do so he grabs them by the neck and hauls them back to the fold .
29 Rather than locking himself in his bedroom staring mournfully out of the window , Lemn reaches out to his audience , grabs them by the lapels , rapping and ranting his bitter sweet rhyming couplets .
30 And she goes up to the two blokes and she grabs them by the balls and goes mm not bad , nice butt , you know ?
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