Example sentences of "[vb -s] [be] hold " in BNC.

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1 The party reacted with unnecessary embarrassment and defensiveness to government attacks on general talks it has been holding with the Greens , and its desire , as part of its traditional Ostpolitik , to press on with contacts with the Communist party in East Berlin despite the sudden surge of open opposition to the government by East German citizens .
2 Labour 's bash will be at 4 Millbank , where it has been holding its morning press conferences .
3 BRISTOL CITY striker Andy Cole yesterday denied that he has been holding back since the club rejected a £600,000 offer from Nottingham Forest .
4 And then she said : ‘ Mebbe he 's one of that gang that has been holding up grocery stores . ’
5 The outstanding performers were Scott Loftus , of Old Loughts , who scored four , and Old Felstedians Chris Maitland and Paul Surridge , who has been holding down a place with National League First Division outfit Canterbury since leaving school .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co has been holding talks with Steve Jobs ' NeXT Inc about licensing the NeXTstep environment , according to a report last week in the New York Times .
7 Sotheby 's has been holding sales in Hong Kong since 1973 , starting initially with porcelain and then , in 1976 , offering a separate painting category ; the initial one sale a year was extended into two annual sales in each category .
8 Yet we have already found in Chapter 2 that the UK has , relatively speaking , been suffering from declining international competitiveness as a place in which goods are actually made , though it has been holding its own in providing financial services on a world scale , and is prosperous enough , for example , to have a demand for hypermarkets on the international model .
9 CARN has been holding conferences about every 18 months since 1976 .
10 Their leader , James Molyneaux , has been holding meetings with business and community leaders — not involved in politics — to devise a ‘ blueprint for stability ’ .
11 Regional Council president Gérard Longuet has been holding discussions on this agreement since June not only with Les Verts but also with Génération Ecologie , two of whose six representatives also announced their support for his administration .
12 The Education Secretary , Kenneth Clarke , has been holding crisis talks after the Lords threw out two Government proposals in the Education ( Schools ) Bill .
13 The Bugatti Owners Club has been holding meetings at Prescott Hill near Cheltenham for more than half a century .
14 To mark its fiftieth birthday the Oxford-based charity Oxfam has been holding a fashion show with a difference .
15 East Belfast-based midfielder Keery ( 28 ) has been holding out for a better deal than the one on offer .
16 The call came yesterday from Peter Seaman , the new president of the National Federation of Retail Newsagents , which this week has been holding its annual conference in Llandudno .
17 Well he said Mike must have said , what has been holding it up if I , we were under the impression that when she left London , she was finished with her property
18 Among the hundreds of those held without charge or trial in Syria are the following who have appeared in the Letter Writing Campaign : Hakem Sultan al-Faiz , a 61-year-old Jordanian national and former member of the National Command of the Arab Socialist Ba'th Party , who has been held for almost 20 years ; Ahmad ‘ Abd al-Rau'uf Roummou , a 55-year-old teacher , arrested in 1975 ; Muhammad Nabil Salem , an engineer , arrested in the wake of a one-day national strike in 1980 and Mahmud Jalbut , a Palestinian arrested in 1980 .
19 Earnings per share for the first half were reduced to 5.47p , against 7.83p last time , but the interim dividend has been held at 1.5p .
20 David Ormerod , a geology lecturer at the Open University , has been held in Oradea , Romania , for the past three days , after being picked up at the main crossing point into Hungary .
21 Daphne Parish , a British nurse , has been held incommunicado since last month for giving information on casualties caused by an explosion at an Iraqi missile plant in August .
22 There is much local opposition to this scheme and a public meeting has been held to get a campaign going .
23 Earlier , the director of the United Nations Transitional Assistance Group ( Untag ) , Irish-born Mr Cedric Thornberry , described the election as freer than any poll that has been held in West Belfast .
24 Christopher Huhne 's economics column has been held over until tomorrow .
25 Outlook has been held over because of lack of space .
26 In such a case an adult might be held liable either for breach of his contract to use proper care or for a wrong independent of the contract ; an infant has been held not to be liable at all .
27 The rules of a society and the trusts which bind its property will , in many cases , fetter its freedom of action and the application of its property , in a way very similar to the restrictions which the doctrine of ultra vires imposes on a corporation ; and in the case of some unincorporated societies , such as registered Trade Unions and Friendly Societies , which have received a peculiar status by Statute , the rule of ultra vires has been held directly applicable .
28 The occupier of a private house ( but not the owner of a house who had never entered into possession of it ) would probably be considered to be in possession of anything placed or left in it — at any rate unless it was concealed — while the occupier of a shop has been held not to be in possession of a thing dropped in a part of the shop to which the public had access .
29 Since 1973 , an annual conference devoted to the applications of computing and mathematics to archaeology has been held at varying locations in Britain .
30 One consequence of the breadth of this definition is that it has been held to cover psychological harm — where D causes V to become hysterical or to suffer substantial fear or fright , for example .
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