Example sentences of "[not/n't] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was a significant correlation between faecal fat and amount of malabsorbed carbohydrate ( r=0.60 , F 1 , 1 7 =9.70 , p=0.006 ) and faecal fat and stool wet weight ( r=0.57 , F 1 , 1 8 =8.67 , p<0.009 ) , but not between stool wet weight and amount of malabsorbed carbohydrate ( r=0.28 , F 1 , 1 7 =1.45 , p=0.25 ) .
2 There was a significant correlation between faecal fat and amount of malabsorbed carbohydrate ( y=3.25+0.88x , r=0.60 , F 1 , 1 7 =9.70 , p=0.006 ) ( Fig 3 ) , as well as between faecal fat and stool wet weight ( y=146.70+7.13x , r=0.57 , F 1 , 1 8 =8.67 , p<0.002 ) , but not between stool wet weight and amount of malabsorbed carbohydrate ( r=0.28 , F 1 , 1 7 =1.45 , p=0.25 ) .
3 No one thought the speaker should have added that they would not hew wood for Lord Salisbury ; the divisions within the Council which would become so painfully evident over the Boer War were between Gladstonian Liberals and Liberal Imperialists , with the odd Liberal Unionist added for decoration , not between Liberals and Conservatives .
4 There is a significant correlation between B and the rating for fixed objects , r(46)=0.40 , p<0.01 , though not between B and moving objects , r(46)=0.14 .
5 It does not replace each nation 's own system for the control of the export of ‘ national treausres ’ from its respective boundaries , but runs parallel with it , only affecting goods being exported from the EEC , not between member States .
6 The intensional pattern corresponding to ( 44 ) is that of ( 47 ) , where once more the property instantiated by the adjective is underlined : ( 47 ) The mapping of the intensional pattern onto the surface syntax of English is again very direct and very natural , being reflected solely in the order of the instantiating elements , with again adjectival form as an overt marker that the second property is applied to the initial E. What ( 47 ) suggests , however , is that the similarity of construction is not between postverbal and predicate qualifier , which has the intensional structure given in ( 48 ) , but rather between postverbal and adverbal , the intensional structure for which is repeated here as ( 49 ) : ( 48 ) ( 49 ) From the point of view of the adjectival property , ( 47 ) and ( 49 ) are essentially the same ; the adjectival property syntactically qualifies another property word , while it is applied to the entity of the noun phrase in immediate construction with the property expression of which the adjective forms part .
7 Thus the immediate issue at stake was not between Moscow and a former Tsarist dependency , but between the Soviet Republic and a hostile Great Power .
8 As early as 1976 , the Layfield Committee was distinguishing not between counties and districts , but between ‘ major spending authorities ’ and the rest in their discussions of the possible introduction of a local income tax ( Layfield 1976:196 ) .
9 For Blake , the true antithesis was not between life and death , but between fallen and unfallen , youth and age , innocence and experience .
10 The choice is not between life and death but between possible death and probable death .
11 The relevant — and revealing — comparison is not between CDs and cassettes , but between Britain and America .
12 Thus the first of these groups learned a discrimination between A and C but not between A and B ; the second learned a discrimination between A and B but C and A received the same treatments .
13 Fergus ' London also remains haunted by his IRA past , which Jordan shows as a conflict not between factions , but between different kinds of humanity — with Fergus himself seeming shockingly sympathetic after the media black-out on real-life terrorists .
14 I am making a comparison not between Scotland and London but between London and most of the rest of the country .
15 There was a positive correlation between platelet activating factor precursors and acid or pepsin output but not between platelet activating factor precursors and sialic acid .
16 most public co-operation is between men , and not between men and women , or between women ;
17 To suggest that the struggle was not between science and religion but over cultural leadership may expel the conflict through the front door , but it still returns through the back .
18 The crucial distinction to be drawn within the curriculum is , as I have argued , not between arts and sciences but between the practical and the theoretical .
19 But it is fair to say that the real chemistry is not between actor and part , but between the idea of the star as entrepreneur and the idea of the king as a self-made man .
20 It is fair to say that the real chemistry is not between actor and part , but between the idea of the star as entrepreneur and the idea of the king as a self-made man . ’
21 ‘ It would be better to ask young people to show what they could do against explicit criteria so that the challenge would be between the person and the task , not between individuals , with one person 's success being another 's failure , ’ the report says .
22 Nevertheless the dividing line between the musicians who composed both Latin and English church music and those who composed only English music must be drawn not between Catholics and Protestants but between generations .
23 The choice was not between dependence and independence , but between dependence on Moscow or dependence on the bourgeois governments of the capitalist world .
24 Not through Manchester , or Leeds , or Durham , or Bristol : but through Oxford or Cambridge .
25 How far Anselm had travelled along this road , and how much further he would still travel , are questions to which an answer must be sought in the reign of Henry I. But it is clear that Anselm in exile was beginning to see events , if not through Hildebrandine eyes , at least with shades of Hildebrandine colour .
26 If we are to reach the tens of millions in our nation and the tens of thousands in our communities , how are we to do it if not through church planting ?
27 Yes , but not through Auden .
28 According to this view you can reach for security through self-help — individual action , or action in small groups of like-minded people — but not through reliance on big bureaucracies .
29 Cases on the common law side are usually won not through counsel 's address to the court , which there is usually a little time to prepare in advance , but through the effective examination of witnesses .
30 That is not to say that Parliament does not have a significant influence on the pattern of public expenditure , but it is exercised in various indirect ways at the formative stage of determining the pattern of public expenditure , and not through variations in the government 's proposals once they have been laid before the House .
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