Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] to have " in BNC.

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1 LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students .
2 At the moment , the number of people suffering from flu in Scotland is nowhere near those levels , but one or two football managers may well be feeling ‘ as sick as a parrot ’ because they did not think to have their highly-priced investments vaccinated before the winter began .
3 A man and woman who do not want to have a baby can still enjoy lovemaking if they make sure the egg and sperm never meet , or if the egg is prevented from settling in the womb .
4 There were predictable objections from departments which did not want to have their own policy advice scrutinized by outside experts .
5 At the same time she was certain that Maggie did not want to have to cope with that .
6 She did not want to have the news broken to her carefully .
7 He did not want to have to speak for he did not want to hear the sound of his own voice .
8 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
9 Yet this was not the only source of Home Office power to supply the hardware which the local police authority did not want to have .
10 ‘ There is tight security at our homes but we do not want to have to put bars over the windows . ’
11 Bismarck was alarmed ; he did not want to have to choose between his allies in a Balkan quarrel .
12 I do not want to have to found a Royal College of Ships ' Surgeons to carry on practising my brand of general practice .
13 Miquel Tàpies does not want to have a hectic turnover of exhibitions , but a twin programme of major retrospectives and seminars which engender debate .
14 Tom Murray did not want to have a lot of girlfriends , but just one for good , one he could be deeply serious about .
15 Those dealing with the replies do not want to have to keep getting on the phone to the PROs concerned .
16 Equally , they wanted to be able to reduce their manpower as orders were completed and did not want to have to carry excess staff during slack periods .
17 Whether that man is the prime minister , modifying his opinions to catch votes , or a bourgeois in terror lest some harmless act should be misunderstood and outrage some petty convention , that man is an inferior man and I do not want to have anything to do with him , any more than I want to eat canned salmon .
18 She did not want to have to think about problems , whatever they might be .
19 More than one bride 's father has been heard to say that he did not want to have a large engagement party if the wedding was to follow within a year because that would involve him in the organization and expense of ‘ two weddings ’ .
20 She decided that she did not want to have either an abortion , or to have the baby adopted .
21 If the industry does not want to have any exemptions from the levy , it should be able to undertake such a policy in partnership with Government and the TECs .
22 We do not want to have a future relationship of United States and Latin America reproduced in South Africa , which so many people talk about now when they talk about South Africa as the engine of growth if we have that kind of growth it 'll be distorted and none of the poor in South Africa or the region will benefit from it .
23 In fact , the deeper you go into the struggle , the more you are liberated mentally , the more you do not want to have somebody cleaning your shoes , washing your clothes and so on .
24 Freud 's view is a realistic one of human nature , which says that people will experience anxiety and frustration and er , all kinds of erm , feelings that they may not want to have .
25 But she did not want to have to confront him right now , she thought frantically .
26 ‘ We did not want to have poorer people paying slightly extra to subsidise those wealthier individuals who can afford to pay up on time , ’ said council leader Michael Carr .
27 Ideally I would not want to have made changes but that 's football .
28 The British and US governments , which have both signed but not yet ratified these Protocols , were the only signatories to make the explicit reservation ‘ that the new rules introduced by the Protocol are not intended to have any effect on and do not regulate or prohibit the use of nuclear weapons ’ .
29 When signing the protocol on 12 December 1977 , both the UK and the USA declared that they did so on the understanding that the rules in the protocol were ‘ not intended to have any effect on and do not regulate or prohibit the use of nuclear weapons ’ .
30 Not surprisingly , given the well-known stance of the Seven on political unity , EFTA was not intended to have any political implications , and so it was not deemed necessary for it to have an elaborate institutional structure .
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