Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] out " in BNC.

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1 Unlike other single women , Elaine can not stay out late at night : she has to be home in time to be put to bed by a nurse .
2 It is worth stressing that this study did not arise out of a leisured academic interest but out of an urgent need for material to use therapeutically with highly-disturbed young people .
3 He argued that thought does not arise out of abstract logical puzzles but from specific problems which we encounter in practice .
4 The first submission by Mr. Ashworth was that a public nuisance can not arise out of a lawful act , whatever its consequences , and as what is complained of here , namely heavy goods vehicles being driven along Medway and Bridge Roads , is a lawful act , no public nuisance can arise .
5 If it is correct , in general , that a public nuisance can not arise out of the lawful use of a highway , as Mr. Ashworth submitted , it is not , in my judgment , because there is no unlawful act .
6 Although the extra representation for zemstva did not arise out of St Petersburg 's enthusiasm for local government ( but out of the determination of central agencies to prevent any one of their number dominating the rest ) , it nevertheless ensured " a large dose of decentralization " in primary education and gave primary schools a better chance than they would have had otherwise .
7 Take care not to swim out too far , particularly on deserted beaches .
8 If you should decide to accept a place on a course , do not rush out to buy textbooks until you have finished reading this book , and guidance on returning to learning in particular .
9 Consumers who saw their commitments enlarge so dramatically as a result of higher interest rates , who found themselves over-committed , and then found themselves unemployed and even less able to meet those commitments , will not rush out and spend money even if they have more of it .
10 The recession in the catering industry is not bottoming out , ’ warns W. Lancaster managing director John Emanuel .
11 These are usually temporary measures which can be obtained quite swiftly and will involve the court directing the developer not to carry out the development until the court has had an opportunity to consider the dispute in detail .
12 From every point of view , therefore , the Crabb affair was a classic example of how not to carry out a dangerous covert operation .
13 An Inquiry headed by an Irish High Court Judge , Mr Justice Declan Costello , firmly placed the responsibility for this on two corporations , Total and Gulf , who deliberately decided not to carry out necessary repair work costing a mere £130,000 because they intended to sell the tanker .
14 The Commission noted that , in certain circumstances , such as where the parties agree not to carry out other research and development in the same field , these agreements might infringe Article 85(1) .
15 An Inquiry headed by an Irish High Court Judge , Mr Justice Declan Costello firmly placed the responsibility for this on two corporations , Total and Gulf , ‘ who deliberately decided not to carry out necessary repair work costing a mere £130,000 because they intended to sell the tanker' ( The Observer 27.7.80 : 2 ) .
16 If an authority has decided to do an act which is allegedly illegal but has not yet done it then , of course , the applicant will want to challenge the decision to act and to obtain an order instructing the authority not to carry out its decision .
17 Then the punishing firm ‘ s best response to this is not to carry out the punishment but to produce its corresponding profit maximizing output .
18 The object of the following analysis is not to carry out a Stalinist witch-hunt of the text in order to pillory a deviant , existential , petty-bourgeois discourse ensconced illegitimately at the centre of Nizan 's literary production .
19 There is also an interesting account of the excavations carried out by Wright which caused Sir Mortimer Wheeler years later to use it as an illustration of how not to carry out an archaeological dig .
20 The Financial Times of March 19 described Assad and Mubarak 's comments as an " apparent signal " to the USA not to carry out further military action against Iraq .
21 The drying out appears to be continuing despite recent incentives to farmers not to carry out drainage works , and conservation management agreements between the NCC and some 1,000 farmers in the area .
22 But he said the brothers had asked McEvoy not to carry out the burglary .
23 Also , the results of many surveys in both the United States and the United Kingdom suggest that only a few firms explicitly take the rate of interest into account in deciding whether or not to carry out an investment project .
24 I can not make out . ’
25 Instead , she turned it on so low that at first Tug could not make out anything except a faint crackling and hissing .
26 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
27 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
28 Endill could not make out what he was shouting but whatever it was it was not very friendly .
29 He could not make out its face but saw it was looking through the book he had just found with the complicated title .
30 I could not make out where they were going , and made several inquiries without getting any answers save in Gaelic ; it might as well have been Hindostani .
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