Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The woman had left the bags and O saw she was walking back to the child , he heard her heels , but O did not stay to see what she did to the child ( and so he did not see her pick the child up in her arms and hold him tight ) ; he turned quickly , and left the station as fast as he could .
2 I DID NOT STAY to see the Eid — the Eid Al Iftr , that great feast of the breaking of the fast , the days of celebration when everyone dresses in new clothes as though the sackcloth of fasting has lifted and life has renewed itself once again .
3 They are chewing a drug plant and drinking their quite disgusting beer or spirit — I had only one sip and did not stay to analyse the taste but rejected it instantly — the dancers — wearing headdresses feathered like exotic birds and daubed all over with signs and scribbles — messages to their gods , I assumed — then begin to pound the earth in a movement which matches the drumming perfectly and , like the drumming , is powerfully affecting . ’
4 ‘ You will not stay to watch me skate ? ’
5 I must not stay to tell you his sweet sayings , save one .
6 Time , you old gypsy man , Will you not stay Put up your caravan Just for one day ?
7 The balls of course would not stay put , and followed their pirouetting owners down to the front of the stage , with every intention of dropping into the auditorium .
8 These do not exist to deal with virtually non-existent external challenges , but are necessary because the implicit justifiers of monarchy also possess the ideological wherewithal for implicit criticism .
9 The health authority does not exist to service nursing homes , so there must be a charge for these services .
10 In the developed countries of the world , the UK and the USA represent the ‘ flexible ’ view of financial reporting : accounting standards exist to narrow the areas of difference ; they do not exist to eliminate them .
11 Many commentaries without such an explicit and analytical statement , bewail the lack of political will , expertise or rational planning , without offering any explanation as to why these qualities frequently do not exist to carry out effective conservation .
12 If our concern is health , widely defined , not merely medical care , it is probably inevitable in our present society that resources do not exist to meet all the demands that the pursuit of health for all may make .
13 However , it is clear that sufficient places in secure accommodation do not exist to meet the need created by that change in the law .
14 A BOAT skipper who took £100,000 in bookings for a ferry service which did not exist has been jailed for 15 months .
15 What happens when a majority voting equilibrium does not exist has been explored in a number of studies .
16 As for the medical practitioner before the discovery of antibiotics , what did not exist did not have to be taken into account .
17 Not proven does not mean the same as not guilty or totally exonerated , ’ he said .
18 Besides , advanced treatment — a process of extra filtration , biological decomposition and chemical treatment — squeezes out more phosphorus but is not proven to reduce large amounts of nitrogen .
19 LAUSD will remove all teachers not planning to further their education along with teachers who have not proven to have a passionate concern for the students .
20 PAMELA : Sir , when you consider that I had no prospect before me but dishonour , you will allow that I should have seemed very little in earnest in my profession of honesty not to endeavour to get away .
21 He had not stopped looking at her , though .
22 you 've not stopped eating
23 Philippa , whose face was normally as radiant and untroubled as a child 's , had not stopped frowning since Lee had started talking to her that afternoon and it annoyed Conrad to see it .
24 She felt lonely and miserable , but she had not stopped loving her husband , in spite of her anxiety about his past .
25 Our telephones have not stopped ringing with calls from readers eager to find out more about the Cellulite Roadshow , and from experts eager to praise our unique idea .
26 Dexter sat with the superintendent while she dialled the head of the Press Bureau , who told her his phone had not stopped ringing all day : press and television news editors were demanding to know why Scotland Yard was keeping such a low profile on the Nicola Sharpe story .
27 My telephone has not stopped ringing with colleagues accusing me of changing my allegiance and forsaking my birthright .
28 I saw a man drinking avidly from a green scum-covered marsh , where lay , his black face downward in the water , a dead man lying on his stomach and swollen as if he had not stopped filling himself with water for days …
29 A month or so later Anna 's mother got a kitten , a grey tabby tom kitten , who was very affectionate from the start , sat on her lap , purred loudly when stroked and snuggled up in her arms , though Anna was sure her mother had not stopped having baths or using perfume .
30 Since the urgent call to his small London house just after dawn the previous day , he had not stopped working .
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