Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I ca n't imagine even the most rabid antiscience apes not seeing that — ’
2 On the Labour side , what seemed to be a golden opportunity was not taken , nor was it when it first arose , namely to pin responsibility for the Gulf war , and the sufferings of British hostages in it , on the government 's blunder in not seeing that Saddam Hussein would invade Kuwait .
3 I am not demanding that every subject which has a technical vocabulary or which employs concepts other than those employed by common sense should be rendered simple , and fit for consumption by every man or woman in the street .
4 I 'm not demanding that you succeed , only that you try .
5 The Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran radio station accused the West of double standards for not demanding that the IAEA be permitted to mount a similar inspection visit to Israel .
6 Henry II would need to have been an unusually stupid man not to realize that there were bound to be difficult moments in the relationship between him and his heir .
7 She seemed not to realize that she had come to regard herself as a prisoner ; a hostage perhaps , engaged in some frightening psychological duel .
8 He was too clever not to realize that harbouring the Shah increased the danger of Muslim fundamentalism gaining round in the kingdom .
9 She was still naïve enough not to realize that ideas tossed of the cuff could sound quite different in the cold print of day .
10 If she was stupid enough not to realize that Timothy Gedge would be waiting for her it was n't anyone 's business except hers .
11 Do not think , he wrote , biting his lips in concentration , bending low over the page , blinking to keep the sweat out of his eyes , do not think that it was ever far from my mind .
12 This method has been taught for many years and I do not think that pilots who have learned to do it this way need bother to change .
13 You may not think that you have a problem , but in a company of even modest size it is statistically likely that some employees will have a drink problem .
14 I should not think that Mr Kinnock would have the same need for such structures . ’
15 Furthermore , the insurers are judge and jury rolled into one — if they do not think that your case has a reasonable chance of success they will not indemnify you .
16 You may not think that access cards for greater access are a good idea , but what are you proposing should be done to double the age-participation rate in this country ?
17 He did not think that he judged wisely to accept , because he accepted another job only two years after he was appointed and then had to withdraw because he was found not old enough to be legal .
18 When he looked back later in life he did not think that this dark night was caused by what happened on the road at Godmanchester .
19 The faculty could not think that a young man of 35 years , who had written one book which not everyone thought wonderful , could hold a candle to his predecessor .
20 He did not think that the then bench in the Church were all well qualified to this end .
21 He did not think that Ramsey would be interested in the load of administration which he would have to carry .
22 He added that while the evangelicals had their part in the Church he did not think that on the whole they had the qualities suitable for being bishops . ’
23 Miles does not think that this is the case and believes frying is healthy , profitable and popular .
24 As a backbencher , his mind changed : ‘ Do you not think that the tone of England is more liberal than the policy of the government ?
25 He does not think that we need to have studied , in moral philosophy , the reduction of the ‘ motions of the mind ’ to natural philosophy in order to understand , in political philosophy , the causes of ‘ the civil duties of a subject ’ .
26 He does not think that knowledge is acquired by demonstrative syllogisms which have maxims and definitions for premisses ; in many places in the Essay he criticizes various parts of this view .
27 The non-philosophical ‘ vulgar ’ do not think that all we know are ideas .
28 Unlike Hobbes , he does not think that words are general by being collective names for a number of particulars ; ‘ they do not signify a plurality . ’
29 And I do not think that Helen is unusual or unfathomable in translating this into a hatred of her own body , a fear of its femininity , unpredictability and curviness , and a longing to keep it all ‘ under control ’ .
30 I do not think that a single critic noticed that it was any different from the customary ‘ rum-te-tum ’ , but if one of them did he evidently did n't think it was worth a comment .
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