Example sentences of "[adv prt] at last " in BNC.

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1 He sat down at last to silence , but as a man fulfilled : the tutorial was over .
2 When , worn down at last , he mentioned a man who lived as far away as Prudhoe , the polite picked up a young fellow known as Billy the Badger , which apparently had nothing to do with his poaching activities , but was given him because he always wore a white muffler , the ends tucked into his trouser tops , and on Sundays , when he wore his best , which was a black coat and trousers , his pointed face above this ensemble roughly depicted the night creature of the woods .
3 THE cost of borrowing is coming down at last .
4 When the cheers and the clapping had died down at last , Don Mini stood up to make a speech .
5 The cones are now all flowing with pitch , and my hands are soon so covered with it that I can not easily cast down my booty when I would , it sticks to my fingers so ; and when I get down at last and have picked them up , I can not touch my basket with such hands but carry it on my arm , nor can I pick up my coat which I have taken off unless with my teeth — or else I kick it up and catch it on my arm .
6 Ma and Luke are relieved to see that I 'm settling down at last .
7 When she did get it in at last , she had to be careful not to trap its tail in the lid when she slid it closed .
8 Ushered in at last , passing through a spotless surgery agleam with modern equipment , and offered seats in an equally efficient-looking office , Sophie 's heart jerked suddenly at the sight of the man who was holding out his hand .
9 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
10 It was over at last .
12 ‘ And just look at those flowers — it feels as if the winter 's really over at last . ’
13 Suddenly , it seemed , the war was over at last , and Churchill announced on the wireless that 8 May would be Victory in Europe Day .
15 ‘ Well at least you got through at last , ’ said Carrington .
16 Her patience paid off at last when she heard Miss Hardbroom tell the girls to pack up their books , and after much clattering and bustling , the door closed and the laboratory fell silent .
17 The berries on the trees , dust washed off at last , have an inviting dewy sheen .
18 ‘ Count de Sciorto has decided to take the wraps off at last , has he ? ’
19 The tents were up ; the fires were lit ; everyone sounded cheerful , happy to be off at last .
20 Sabine got the seatbelt off at last , and heaved and dragged the woman , arms and legs trailing , clear of the car .
21 Now retired as chaplain of Kingham School he 's off at last with his crew …
22 Donald McCulloch came back from ‘ the reel of Ballechin' long after his mother , and when he got up at last next morning , the cold porridge had been thrown out to the hens .
23 Things seemed to be looking up at last , ’ she says .
24 I caught him up at last .
25 ‘ But why ? ’ asked the Ambassador when he looked up at last .
26 Well , that Arthur turned up at last and the vicar married them , but afterwards me sister let Arthur know just 'ow she felt , she chucked the whole weddin' cake at 'im , then 'er bokey an' then a full bottle of port .
27 When I looked up at last , it was to see the near cliffs bright with the afternoon sun , and the sea creaming calmly against the storm beach in the gentlest of high tides .
28 Finally accepting that if they do n't hang together in the face of the threat from Microsoft Corp Windows NT , their Unix efforts will hang separately , Hewlett-Packard Co , IBM Corp , Sun Microsystems Inc , Unix System Laboratories Inc , Univel Inc and Santa Cruz Operation Inc lined up at last week 's UniForum trade show in San Francisco to announce a common desktop strategy for Unix workstation vendors ( UX No 427 ) .
29 As we have , therefore , travelled together through so many pages , let us behave to one another like fellow-travellers in a stage coach , who have passed several days in the company of each other : and who , notwithstanding any bickerings or little animosities which may have occurred on the road , generally make up at last , and mount for the last time into their vehicle with cheerfulness and good humour ; since after this one stage , it may possibly happen to us , as it commonly happens to them , never to meet more .
30 Thomas got up at last from his new place in the middle of the table , which he had quite liked because it had leg access to a rung where he could wriggle his feet when he was bored .
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