Example sentences of "[adv prt] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 Gradually you saw this self-absorbed monarch stripped down of all his trappings , until a wonderful scene when he was kneeling on the ground staring at his reflection , and suddenly he shattered the mirror against his foreheard .
2 The Ukraine called for the shutting down of all the reactors at the Chernobyl site in 1990 and urged that greater consideration be given to a new energy programme which eliminated nuclear power .
3 The breaking down of any skilled trade into less skilled or specialized components carried a major threat to the whole apprenticeship system and to the notion of the craft as well as damaging the control of the worker over the work process , as Taylorization in the twentieth century would clearly demonstrate .
4 Erm , yes , as you know I 'm a member of the Essex traffic group and we did state at the time there will be no looking into or no pulling down of any type of property or building , yeah , but it , erm the Council went ahead and looked at Wordsworth Road
5 Because we 've said , we 've stated that there be no pulling down of any type of building .
6 Over the eight years of the project the reduction in inequality between different socio.economic groups was consequent upon an improvement in scores attained at the bottom end of the distribution and not the levelling down of those at the top .
7 The disadvantage of share schemes is , Mr Luder says , that ‘ it is all very well my being an employee of a subsidiary five tiers down of some major plc , and their saying ‘ Here is a dollar for a share option and you will be motivated if the share price rises ’ , but there is no direct link between cause and effect' .
8 The narrowing down of this primitive trade-route took place , perhaps in stages , in Saxon and early medieval times as more and more land was taken in for arable cultivation .
9 This in turn explains why the infinitive can evoke both the wide range of all possible realizers ( as in To visit the poor is a Christian obligation ) and the narrowing down of this range to one particular spatial support ( for instance , to the speaker as in Oh to be in England … ) .
10 Having given you a run down of both books , you can see one obvious connection — the use of telekinetic powers .
11 The latter reduced hydro-electric power and caused the shutting down of several nuclear power stations when river levels dropped and the water in any case became too warm for effective cooling .
12 no research in of that
13 There is too much easy talk about ‘ inspiration ’ , but at such times one sees it exactly for what it is , a breathing in of all experience , all apprehension of beauty , all love .
14 For Bultmann , the resurrection is not an event in our world ( for resurrections he would hold , as I , do not occur in our world ) , but something of far greater magnitude , an eschatological event which represents the breaking in of another world order .
15 ‘ The powers conferred by section 268 are powers directed to enabling the court to help a liquidator to discover the truth of the circumstances in connection with the affairs of the company , information of trading , dealings , and so forth , in order that the liquidator may be able , as effectively as possible , and , I think , with as little expense as possible … to complete his function as liquidator , to put the affairs of the company in order and to carry out the liquidation in all its various aspects , including , of course , the getting in of any assets of the company available in the liquidation .
16 We can certainly take this point : on David Frost 's programme the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East did not have a thought in his head about the phasing in of any of those changes .
17 It is therefore a good ideas to make copies from fairly early on of all language and anthropological materials , and to keep them in other places , such as a technical studies department or headquarters office .
18 If you knew some of the goings on of that lot in high places . ’
19 Permission was given for " making of such engine or Engine Buildings or Buildings for the better & more effectual discovery , working and conveying on of such mines and veins …
20 ‘ There are people who say they would n't be seen dead on of these things , but after one ride they 're queuing up .
21 The subsequent growth of Teheran had made the previous royal quarters in town too cramped and after an attempt on the Shah life in 19965 , on of several that he survived , the family had moved to Niavaran .
22 A wipe , by the way , is like on of those weird effects the directors of such programs as Top of the Pops are so keen on — where the picture changes via a tumbling square or comes in from one side to replace the picture you have onscreen already .
23 And how long w would he take t t t to thatch on of those then ?
24 Da da da da da da da da on of those Donny Osmond 's or something ?
25 arising directly or indirectly by , through or in connection with the carrying on of any trade business or profession ;
26 In this sense the reference to ‘ trade ’ in Articles 85 and 86 is misleading and all economic activities including the supply of goods or services ( including financial services ) , broadcasting or communications generally , the exercise of intellectual property rights , or the carrying on of any other trade or profession are encompassed by the competition rules .
27 A statement in its memorandum of association that the company 's object shall be to carry on business as a general commercial company shall mean that its object is to carry on any trade or business whatsoever , and in such a case the company has power to do all such things as are incidental or conducive to the carrying on of any trade or business by it .
28 Some contracts , however , have cost-escalation clauses allowing the passing on of any increased costs .
29 The final stages of training amount to the handing over of all the responsibility for safety to the student .
30 It is evident that certain US officers were favourable impressed by Vlasov ; however , government policy called for the handing over of all renegade Russians to the Red Army .
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