Example sentences of "[adv prt] in life " in BNC.

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1 Collins only wants a wife because he feels that in the eyes of society it is about time for him to be married and to have settled down in life .
2 By definition , you can not do well all the time , you can only try to — your attitude is that you could be a hell of a lot worse off in life than getting out for 30 as opposed to 75 .
3 We have people such as Alan Sugar , who start off in life without any great qualifications .
4 There have always been fires on Earth , from volcanoes and lightning ; and when a plant is burnt it gives out only the carbon dioxide that it itself has taken up in life , so the net effect of burning biomass , at least on atmospheric CO 2 , is probably zero .
5 I think that drama school stops you playing safe too early on in life and encourages you to take risks .
6 I was born a reject , in the gutter ; was bred in the gutter ; and had learnt , very early on in life , to walk close to the gutter .
7 There are other things going on in life .
8 This was a handicap which he never found time to remedy later on in life .
9 For example , a person who early on in life formed the assumption that they had to have everybody 's approval in order to be happy , could become depressed if they did not subsequently secure the approval of someone important to them .
10 In the case of the couple or family considering the costs and benefits of a future child , the explicit consideration of rates of discount is rather different in that children are perceived to be a positive asset from early on in life but particularly after fifteen years or so when they can work effectively on the farm ( and so replace costly paid labour at times of peak labour demand ) or as a wage labourer .
11 They should neither remain aloof from what goes on in life , nor should they spend all their time solving industrial problems .
12 Remember , even if you do not have any specific ailments you will still benefit greatly from a course of lessons , perhaps preventing much pain or discomfort later on in life .
13 Later on in life those same children may be expected to regard that Bible with such reverence , that the placing of a hand on a copy of it automatically makes their obligation to tell the truth more compelling .
14 Secure attachments early on in life provide inner resources to manage stressful and threatening situations in later years .
15 While it is self-evident that childhood experiences must have a profound formative effect upon the beliefs we have about ourselves and upon our expectations of others , most of us fail to take them into account when we run into trouble later on in life .
16 She began to think of it as he , and wondered if he would make something of himself later on in life .
17 It usually occurs in the teenage years , but as Bethan 's case proves , it can also persist , or even start , later on in life .
18 For most people , getting on in life , winning promotion , saving a bit , going on a better holiday , buying a car , purchasing a home , giving the children a better start — all these are natural aims .
19 The men worked hard and as you got on in life you just thought this was home , although you had n't the luxuries .
20 Larger families represent an unacceptable burden on the state or , worse still , may become enemies of society : " All intelligent Salvadoreans — men or women — ought to realize that in order to get on in life , it is better to have one well-trained child , than 5 or 10 who are a burden , or enemies of the society in which we live .
21 For most other jobs that we take on in life , there will be an element of training , but , in the case of achieving or maintaining health through diet , this is not always so .
22 I think there 's another point around that about erm , the image that 's portrayed by the media and and to be successful in your career you must be a slim , well made up woman erm , and thinness equates with success and an ability to get on in life .
23 Later on in life I did acquire another bike , a Raleigh , and a good , stout little bike it is .
24 She said : ‘ They were lovely men , and it was great to see brothers still enjoying their own company late on in life .
25 And my aunt said , Well I would prefer her to if that 's what she wants to do and she 's gon na learn something that might be a benefit to her later on in life .
26 but she sold her house in Jersey , her husband retires in July , the school break , and erm and she said I 've got some good , er when I got home from wherever I 'd been , Rudy left me a note to say phone Val good news and I thought it were her back was good news , but she said no me medical problems were not good news , they dare n't operate cos me back 's in such a state and they have n't give her much hope for anything apart from a wheelchair sort of thing , later on in life and erm , but she said that I 've got a bit of good news I 've sold me house so I said ooh lovely , so she said I do n't know any more but I ring you and let you know , the next night she phoned me back , she said yeah me house has gone they got two hundred and twenty thousand for it , they wanted them out a week on Thursday
27 Well , to me if a child has got a by all means encourage along but you should n't push them into anything cos later on in life they get a bloody complex about everything you know if they
28 yes and it 's the education that is made children literate early on in life
29 Erm and this can leave people obviously with a number of traumas and a number of difficulties to deal with later on in life .
30 ‘ I would never set out in life to assassinate anybody , but some people have made sure that the mud will stick to me . ’
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