Example sentences of "[adv prt] of life " in BNC.

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1 The lines remain constant almost as if in defiance at the narrowing down of life in the actual theme or to provide a strong medium for the subject of the weakness of old age .
2 Sheer mental power was the ability which Coleridge possessed which enabled him to accomplish this feat , as he does in ‘ Frost at Midnight ’ , when , sitting in his cottage he takes in the ‘ Sea , hill , and wood This populous village ! … with all the numberless goings on of life . ’
3 You see that 's the trouble you see every individual is different in the make up of life they are , so some 'd get pregnant by oh you might as well say looking at one another and another one they might perhaps go years and not get pregnant .
4 Slips in a moment out of life .
5 If you want to get the most out of life you need to maintain a certain level of muscular stamina .
6 Help me to extract all possible fun out of life .
7 Try using them more often and you will get more enjoyment out of life and be healthier too .
8 Of course it would be unusual to be permanently in an optimistic state of mind , but who do you think gets more pleasure out of life ?
9 Its end is not introspection which , taken to extremes , can become an opting out of life , but integration , a gathering up of the fragments to find , under the hand of God , a wholeness in living .
10 We now know more about different therapies which can really help older people get the most out of life .
11 ‘ you should get more out of life .
12 Around this time Heather took on a philosophical mood and confided all she wanted out of life was ‘ to be on dry land with a dry pair of knickers , clean teeth and to be able to wash in fresh water ’ .
13 Because — even if you are ill and ca n't get much fun out of life — it would have been a messy kind of end .
14 I 'm glad he 's getting something out of life , a glimmer of pleasure among all the drudgery .
15 But it does mean clarifying what we truly want out of life — defining the Dreams which make us tingle with aliveness — and making those dreams come true .
16 What do you want out of life ?
17 Humour Are you getting fun out of life and not taking yourself too seriously ?
18 ‘ I just wanted to make some sense out of life . ’
19 My mother soon began to drum into me the notion that I was different because of my eyesight , and therefore that I should not expect too much out of life .
20 An organisation embodying what its members want out of life now , the beginning of totality through total opposition , and what we do to change the world being enjoyable in itself , not a sacrifice ‘
21 I do n't know any of these fellow who are tearing around the place but the odds are first of all that they are unemployed , secondly that they feel that nobody really cares about them , thirdly that the only way to get any sort of excitement out of life is to charge around the way they do .
22 Without it , energy is lacking , activities are restricted and the fun goes out of life .
23 Ask yourself the question ‘ What do I want out of life ? ’
24 Your chances of getting what you want out of life improve greatly when you let others know what you want and stand up for your own rights and needs .
25 Read and discuss ‘ Common Questions about Anxiety ’ — topics include — dealing with setbacks , uses of tranquillizers , keeping practice going , are you getting enough fun out of life ?
26 And we all nodded at him : the man of finance , the man of accounts , the man of law , we all nodded at him over the polished table that like a still sheet of brown water reflected our faces , lined , wrinkled ; our faces marked by toil , by deceptions , by success , by love ; our weary eyes looking still , looking always , looking anxiously for something out of life , that while it is expected is already gone — has passed unseen , in a sigh , in a flash — together with the youth , with the strength , with the romance of illusions .
27 ‘ What do you want out of life ? ’
28 But people are different and want different things out of life .
29 Since her newfound freedom , however , she had decided that she would get as much out of life as she could .
30 There were still — at the end of the enlightened eighteenth century , that Age of Reason which matched itself against Athens — old women in Lamplugh who were convinced that you could be led to your death by a will-o'-the-wisp or terrified out of life by the fairies .
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