Example sentences of "[adv prt] with many " in BNC.

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1 The evening gala dinner was held at Yew Lodge , and after Club Secretary Stewart Wilson read out some dubious ‘ alternative ’ golf rules , all settled back to enjoy the good food , and good company , washed down with many a long winded golfing yarn .
2 Wells , who worked for Geary 's at 22 Cross Street , almost opposite Oliver 's tobacconist , had described a man in the near vicinity whose description did not completely tie in with many of the other witnesses .
3 The ARFU 's decision has still yet to sink in with many rugby traditionalists but Channel Ten displayed instant commitment to their new deal when they televised the tickertape parade live throughout Australia .
4 It seemed plausible that demand management could be continued in the longer term in peacetime , and it fitted in with many of Labour 's goals .
5 Leonard could be depressive along with many other poets ( the psycho-endocrinological critique of poetry has yet to be written ! ) ; he could also be uplifting and assertive ; he could , indeed , write ‘ about something ’ to use Faulkner 's phrase from The Bear , and did so to the advantage of large numbers of people who gladly read , and asked for more .
6 Along with many of the other development corporations , the skills and experience in creating new communities have been dispersed — a fact that always amazes foreign visitors who look on British new towns as one of the major achievements of post-war planning anywhere in the world .
7 The Americans claim that Iraq 's two surviving nuclear reactors ( unlike the one Israel knocked out in 1981 , these were small research reactors ) have been completely destroyed , along with many of Iraq 's chemical and biological weapons plants .
8 ALONG with many other newspapers , we may have given the impression that California was suffering from a five-year drought ( ‘ The other desert war ’ , February 16th ) .
9 From here , along with many other tributaries from the north-eastern corner of the Ochil Hills , the waters thrust into the Earn and thence , between Rhynd and Newburgh , into the slower-moving waters of the Tay to merge and circulate , ever-so-slowly , in the world sea .
10 The once-familiar Victorian grime has gone — along with many of the buildings which it coated — and so , regrettably , has a good deal of the local character .
11 Along with many a public body that felt pushed around by the Tories , the BBC must have gone to bed on April 8 with dreams of a quieter life on the night ; already swinging , as it were , in the hammock slung for them by a hung parliament .
12 Richard Baxter along with many other dissenting preachers , was now able to obtain a licence to preach legally once more .
13 A few , like the river Wye which flows from Plynlimon in mid Wales down to the Severn , are designated ‘ Sites of Special Scientific Interest ’ and support salmonoid fish such as trout , otters , a wide range of invertebrates such as crayfish and dragonflies , along with many plants that are sensitive to high nitrate levels and which have disappeared over much of the country in recent years .
14 These poems along with many others in a similar vein , show that working people were articulating aspects of their experience in verse .
15 A hundred thousand jobs have been thrown away , along with many million tonnes of coal reserves — not to increase productivity and efficiency but in a madcap effort to curb the power of Britain 's miners …
16 As both crimes carried an automatic death sentence , along with many others , so far as the prisoners were concerned , any specific charge was purely academic .
17 Along with many other groups , The Wedding Present found their product on hold and their projected Ukrainian LP was stuck in Red Rhino 's York warehouse until RCA moved in and took over the marketing of it .
18 Chapman , along with many footballers , went to church regularly , but half-back and captain Lintott made a more positive contribution to Sunday worship — as a popular preacher .
19 The NECC 's leadership were all detained , and the organization was banned , along with many other anti-apartheid organizations .
20 Tiree , along with many other towns and places , is having tapes of the events played in Baugh and Balinoe Hall .
21 Crops of corn and vegetables were cultivated , along with many herbs and plants not known in Britain before .
22 Celebrations went on into the morning and Paul and Fiona , along with many of their friends , stayed on in Jersey for a week 's holiday , before flying to Greece for their honeymoon .
23 Members of the parish community joined the school community and Father Jack Warnock , along with many parents .
24 Along with many other villages of later times , Ticketone was mentioned in the Domesday Book of 1086 and was still at this time the property of the church of St John .
25 However in 1956 Unwins listed only one geranium mixture , ‘ Zonale Mixed ’ , with instructions to sow in the autumn for flowers 12 months later , but now 22 varieties are included , along with many separate colours , most of which like the ‘ Multiblooms ’ , can be sown in March to flower just five months later in July .
26 There are £so significant numbers of acacia and chestnut trees , along with many other varieties .
27 On the other side of the quay is the Beatles Boat Restaurant , a large boat which once belonged to the Beatles pop group which arrived in Madeira in a very sorry state but has now been renovated and , along with many small boats , forms an interesting open-air restaurant complex .
28 Along with many others , Nyerere believed that it was possible , but he emphasized that this should not involve the rejection of outside influences :
29 It was Hua who gave the order for Jiang Qing and her associates to be arrested along with many of their supporters .
30 Other good journalists , such as the Observer columnist Neal Ascherson and the ex- New Socialist editor and media studies lecturer James Curran , came and went , along with many lesser colleagues .
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