Example sentences of "[adv prt] with one " in BNC.

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1 After a wash and shave , then breakfast — a roll containing a fried egg washed down with one more mug of cocoa — I wondered what had happened to his tea rations .
2 We 'll go straight back to The Fleece , and you must lie down with one of your tablets . ’
3 I have known people to hold a rabbit down with one foot and then , after picking the ferret up in the normal way with their other hand , squeeze the ferret 's foot .
4 So what happened is that the literate women arranged their time so that every day they now have an hour set by to sit down with one of the illiterates and that 's how the literacy campaign is operating at the moment .
5 The power supply goes in too , the whole thing in its case , and is stuck down with one of those double sided pads .
6 He came through the door and he backed Cati against the rough wall of the hideout and rammed his pelvis against her stomach and pinned her down with one hand flat against her chest and with the other drew his belt through the loops of his soldier 's jacket and slashed her across the face with the buckle doubled against the leather .
7 It 's a good , well-made , sturdy one ( a Mothercare Taxi ) , so it should last for a second child and it 's easy to fold down with one hand .
8 Those are the first ones you contact but you still have to sit down with one of the estate agents and say , Well look what sort of business do you give them ?
9 He reeled under the well-aimed punch , and then snaked an arm out to haul her over to his towel , pinning her down with one muscular leg .
10 I had a bit of an up and down with one of your ilk only about an hour ago . ’
11 Can you pop down with one box tomorrow or Saturday ?
12 Various factions are at work , each seeking to promote its own interests — I 'd not give a fig for the young king 's life if he fell in with one of them !
13 He took us all in with one sombre glance .
14 Some libraries want their own library group others are quite happy to be joined in with one or more libraries within the adjoining group and the constitution does in fact provide that investment wish what we have n't said what those who should be at maximum membership membership and to their claim will common sense not to make it too large otherwise it might turn out to be more than than sensible discussion among a reasonable amount of people but this but then to decide that equally to encourage them to ah find ways and means of the public other than library users who will be represented on the committee and to that .
15 It , it worked out , my mum at first thought it were n't too bad cos she got in with one of these special offer things .
16 All I remember is that at one point he walked along with one foot on the kerb and the other in the gutter and was told off for limping .
17 In acquired distinctiveness training , subjects experience target stimulus A , along with one outcome , X , and target stimulus B along with a different outcome , Y ( Fig. 5.10 ) .
18 Several of the old dairy breeds and some of the Pyreneans are now classified as rare , along with one or two of the old draught breeds which are being heavily crossed with Charolais and Limousin .
19 Now , you may wonder , along with one of my guests this week , what the point is of having Punch lunches if their proceedings remain private , but we like it that way and , besides , it means that we get some seriously filthy gossip .
20 About a year before I left it was all discussed when I would be made a partner along with one or two other people who were being brought through .
21 ( In 1956 , Batov 's invasion force consisted of 120 000 troops drawn from the Ukraine , as well as Romania and Hungary itself ; Soviet divisions along with one Polish , one East German , one Hungarian division and one Bulgarian brigade — over 400 000 men — were funnelled into Czechoslovakia on the night of 20–21 August 1968 ) .
22 Back in March ( UX No 375 ) , Uniplex said it would use IBM 's RS/6000 as a primary development machine along with one other platform , giving those chosen a significant lead time in bringing product to market .
23 For the second group , a possible progression route lies in undertaking : along with one module from :
24 The project involves extensive tape-recording of 48 children , aged 4 , 8 and 12 along with one care giver for each .
25 We have seen that the Stonors and their associates served together on the Commission of the Peace , and the records of proceedings before the justices of the peace , although few in number , show how important such a group of local men was , acting along with one or two professional lawyers .
26 Yes , we 'll go along with one nineteen .
27 You 'll go along with one nineteen .
28 The surgeon followed through with one swift stab , striking Dowd in the middle of his chest .
29 Crilly touches me all over with one hand , keeping the other on my stomach .
30 The Ossis have been fobbed off with one middling portfolio , transport , and two lightweight ones .
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