Example sentences of "[adv prt] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Roy Poynter and Derek Seager both won one , but went down to unbeaten Dave Stenning .
2 Oh we 've got it down to absolute fine art now !
3 What happens if you actually try and get down to absolute zero or even pass the other side ?
4 The extreme flexibility of the Course allows part-time students to change later to a full-time mode , just as it allows full-timers to drop down to part-time study .
5 Indeed , the Secretary of State for the Environment has said that we should remove the county council layer of government and move down to all-purpose districts , the size and boundaries of which have yet to be decided .
6 Already the FIS is discussing whether it should start the European season in Scandinavia , these days more reliably enjoying early snow , then move down to Central Europe to artificial-snow centres .
7 ‘ Then bring them down to Central Gardens , where we hope to have the biggest can collection ever seen in the region or perhaps the country . ’
8 Happy Charlotte Hughes puts her staying power down to regular habits .
9 Frequent use of search was often marked by a period of experimentation with a variety of firms in the first instance , followed by a settling down to regular work with a smaller number of firms with whom the client had achieved a modus vivendi .
10 As Heath went down to electoral defeat in February 1974 , the yellowing of the 1970 Reorganisation of Central Government White Paper was the last thing on people 's mind .
11 At that entrance , every ship goes through a painstaking security check examination right down to molecular level , which can seem endless .
12 Sicilian wealth and power was coveted both by outside powers and by Syracuse , the greatest polis of Sicily down to Roman times .
13 From New Bond Street I drove down to historic Cliveden near Taplow , for many years the home of the Astor family , which made a lovely setting for the Looking Glass Ball in aid of the Royal National Institute for the Blind 's Looking Glass Appeal .
14 Most are for three months or less , right down to over-night or at call .
15 For readers not wishing to fly , our coaching option will include three overnight stops on the way down to Nice and another three overnight stops on the return from Venice .
16 Fly to Brittany , take the boat down to Nice , go up and down the coast , then the Adriatic or other parts of the Med .
17 So the school 's first job was to cut me down to normal proportions — which they did .
18 She had promoted herself into the film 's second editor , and slowed it down to normal at the bits she liked , and thought we would appreciate .
19 Finish by slowing back down to normal training pace again for the last 16 to 17 minutes .
20 At the mention of Whillans ’ middle-aged spread , Steve smiles and observes that while he and Greg Child began the climbing thin and disappeared , Whillans trimmed down to normal weight .
21 Then at the crucial point which only his body can decide , either he 'll drop ’ — she slapped the table — ‘ down to normal inside of a few hours , or his temp .
22 The importance of stopping smoking needs to be very strongly emphasised , as well as the advisability of sticking to a low animal fat diet for the future , of getting the weight down to normal and of taking those measures necessary to reduce blood pressure to an ideal level , i.e. reducing salt and alcohol intake , keeping the weight normal , taking regular exercise and avoiding anger .
23 ‘ You might be a whizz at your job , you might have the charisma of ten men , but when it comes down to normal decent human values you 're nothing .
24 And then it is down to serious show business with the climax on Saturday afternoon when the Expo champion is announced .
25 Then the crew got down to serious drinking .
26 It was high time she got down to serious thought about her doctorate .
27 Westminster Evening Institute also settled down to serious work .
28 Rather , supporters tend to wait until the seemingly inevitable lapse of concentration in defence before expecting the side to get down to serious business .
29 If anyone doubts the dangers to an opposition party of a rush to judgment about what needs to be done after election defeat , they ought to dip into some of the memoirs of the 1959 period , the last time that Labour , while in opposition , hoped and expected they would win , but went down to serious defeat ( in that case , by 100 seats ) .
30 Tomorrow she really must settle down to serious work on her novel ; time was slipping past , her deadline was approaching and if she did n't get on with it she 'd have Joe making agitated phone calls and coming down to visit .
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