Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Somme dragged on through July , a futile and terrible battle of attrition that cost hundreds of thousands of lives , through Aubers Ridge , Delville Wood , where the Cameronians had a section of trench they called Buchanan Street , and into a dreadful September , when Haig decided to try and break through on the Somme with a secret weapon , the tank .
2 Coke 's juridical ideas lived on through Hale and Mansfield and his political ideas filter through the work of Blackstone and Burke .
3 Cultivated outdoors , they can supply fresh green leaves throughout autumn and , with some cloche protection , carry on through winter .
4 The journey today parallels the Long Island Sound and continues on through Hartford .
5 From Baden , those in a hurry might take the motorway east to the outskirts of Zurich , then pick up the northbound motorway , carrying on through Jestetten .
6 The Government has seriously miscalculated the effect of privatisation on through rail fares and the national timetable , according to a report produced by ‘ Platform ’ an 80-member organisation set up to represent users ' needs .
7 A similar belt of Mesozoic ophiolites has been traced from the Taurus Mountains of southern Turkey , just into northern Syria and Iraq and then on through Iran to Oman .
8 So these ideas in Hobbes are an expression of a prevailing wave of thought , a wave which moves on through Gassendi and Locke .
9 The inn was generally the largest of the three , providing accommodation as well as beverages , and was typically located in market places or on through routes .
10 From this garden Coleridge could either walk on through Poole 's orchard and a ‘ fine meadow ’ to the home of his new friends , John and Anna Cruikshank , or he could negotiate Poole 's tanyard and its ‘ Tartarean tan-pits ’ to reach the Castle Street house itself .
11 For its part , Bolivia , in return for the Peruvian sea outlet , committed itself to help Peru gain access to the Atlantic through the Bolivian town of Puerto Suárez and on through Brazil , offering Peru the same facilities as it had been offered in Ilo .
12 Some of the wealthier natives brought picnic hampers in the European manner , and their servants would unroll splendid carpets on the green sward ; while their banquets were spread out on the carpets they could watch what was going on through telescopes and opera-glasses which they had had the foresight to bring with them though what they saw , as they swept the ramparts of the Residency and banqueting hall can hardly have looked very impressive to them : just a few ragged , boil-covered skeletons crouching behind mud walls .
13 And so it goes on through life ; always a struggle between wanting to hold on to what we have at the same time as we are reaching out for new joys and satisfactions ; always the dilemma of making choices , of greedily wanting everything , of resenting having to let anything go .
14 Members , who are advised to take walking boots or track shoes because of the likelihood of a muddy site , have been given these directions to get to the centre : from the M5 motorway , exit 17 , take the B4055 , signposted Severn Beach : straight on through Pilning and across the A403 dual carriageway at the traffic lights , then through Redwick and take first left B4064 , signposted Severn Beach half a mile ; through first set of temporary traffic lights ( plant crossing ) , then sharp right at next set of lights ; look for visitors ' centre on left-hand side .
15 They all insist on the centrality of Jesus , but incline then to explain that centrality in terms of something more general or universal , which is thought of as exemplified in him , and then as spreading out from him and moving on through history .
16 Brin was issued with false documents to fool the Germans and he worked for 5 months with the resistance , helping allied servicemen to escape along the so called Comet line ; a 1,500 mile route across Europe from Holland through Belgium and France , on through Spain to the safety of Gibraltar .
17 Brin was issued with false documents to fool the Germans and he worked for 5 months with the resistance , helping allied servicemen to escape along the so called Comet line ; a 1,500 mile route across Europe from Holland through Belgium and France , on through Spain to the safety of Gibraltar .
18 It is essential to stress that although Philip 's dedication to Richard became intense , it was part of a larger compulsion which preceded and succeeded Richard — to help young people get out and get on through education .
19 I gave myself a pat on the back though and carried on through Cross Rift into Selenite Passage where the rock sparkles with the glassy selenite running through the walls .
20 The notion of unrestrained traffic on through roads edged by noise bunds was early rejected as failing to deal with problems at source .
21 Gradually , as the armies pushed on through France , French airfields were taken over by the RAF and the Americans , and one day Jimmy and Henry were posted to a station near Rennes and that was the last we saw of them .
22 It is perhaps worth mentioning and passing on through SMT that the Partnership Sub Committee of the National Committee discussed this at their first meeting and made the following points ( reflected in the Minute of SCAC 19th March 1991 ) .
23 The route then heads west over Gerrick Moor to meet a moor road at White Cross and on through Westworth Wood into Guisborough Wood .
24 We travelled on through air and time .
25 ‘ It would n't be because guests are being gossiped about , and even spied on through binoculars , would it ? ’
26 She watched and nothing moved : a landing light left on through forgetfulness or fear of the dark .
27 You fell asleep once when I went droning on through Biographica Literaria .
28 The virus is most effectively passed on through blood or semen , and has to enter the bloodstream to become established .
29 As the carriage drove on through Blackmoor Vale , Tess now began to awake from her sorrow and wonder how she could face her parents .
30 You go on to pass through a nature reserve at Redgrave and Lopham Fen , and on through Royden Fen , also managed as a nature reserve .
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