Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 And I also know that you spent a summer on rather a long walk .
2 We will , therefore , focus on only a few aspects , namely : primary insider trading , secondary insider trading ( tippee trading ) , tipping , and counselling and procuring others to commit an offence under the Act .
3 The corollary is obvious : a printing office employing women at low wages to do straight setting could dispense with a number of ordinary linesmen , keeping on only a highly skilled minority of men at rather above normal wages to " service " the type set up by the women .
4 In sum , as societies become industrialized , so the family loses its range of functions and comes to concentrate on only a few .
5 Most early red-figure appears on only a few shapes : cups , and pots like the one-piece amphora ( figs. 86–7 ) , in which much of the pot was traditionally black and the extension of that to the background of the picture was an easy step and one which integrates the picture more fully with the pot .
6 Typically , councillors are part-time and serve on only a few committees .
7 Her whole idea of the world 's work was derived from what she observed there and had little in common with the circulation of the great city which toiled on only a hundred yards away .
8 So if you take the first one immediately before you go to bed , if your blood pressure does go down rather a lot , it does n't matter cos you 're lying down , you 'll
9 Consequently the cadmium red light and the droplets of gold fused into the Renaissance gold where they fell upon it in rather a pleasing manner .
10 But the tendency of such an argument is in the direction of complete relativism , or an entirely arbitrary nominalism , of the type represented by Humpty Dumpty in Alice through the Looking-glass : " " When I use a word " , Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone , " it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more or less . " "
11 In sum the archaeological evidence confirms in rather a striking manner the impression conveyed by writers who held to the view that ivory connoted luxury and in itself constituted a treasure in much the same sense as gold , silver and precious stones .
12 He struck , and reeled in rather a good perch .
13 No doubt because of his strictures on Hardy in After Strange Gods , and because he found Hardy 's view of life personally antipathetic — and when Eliot disliked a writer , as he disliked Aldous Huxley ( i.e. the work , not the man ) , and as he disliked Addison , and above all Goethe , his antipathy was intense and difficult to budge — he reacted in rather a lukewarm manner .
14 Rose swallowed and came out with it in rather a rush .
15 W w where they w w once when they 'd been installed or was it thought that it a mistake had been made in obviously a lot of cash had been spent on them but erm , was it considered a mis a waste of money or ?
16 So I went back to alight indicator , pulled down only a few inches , which was enough to allow the bream to suck the bait to their lips , and then I paused for a few seconds while I watched the line from the rod-tip tightening in the water .
17 The central character is so consistently developed that the audience take it for granted the house will fall down only a few weeks after he has started [ sic ] to live in it . ’
18 A second useful way of dating is through overstrikes , but these occur in only a few instances .
19 A car radioed in only a few minutes ago .
20 When tasting , pour in only a third of a glassful and use the following guidelines :
21 However , these were frequently in technical language and sold in only a few outlets ; and many clergy were not concerned with encouraging the laity to grapple with complex issues .
22 But neither should he allow in only a handful of those who are being persecuted in what used to be Yugoslavia .
23 Paul Keywood , 13 , and his 11-year-old brother Nathan saved the little boy 's life after discovering him in freezing conditions wrapped in only a towel .
24 Moneylenders were registered ; subject to some conditions over the way they did business ; they were able to advertise in only a very restricted way ( for example , they were not allowed to mention interest rates or repayment schedules ) ; and courts could re-open their loans , setting new terms , if they charged excessive interest and the original terms were ‘ harsh and unconscionable ’ .
25 This idea finds an echo in many African countries but assumes a Marxist-Leninist view of the economic and social order found in only a handful of African ruling élites .
26 Often simple tunes are ‘ showcased ’ harmonically and texturally , with elaborate introductions , interludes and codas , and clever instrumental interplay ; often , too , syncopation is applied rather mechanically and ‘ dirty ’ effects take a clichéd form ( for instance grass ‘ growls ’ and glissandos ) ; most dance-band ‘ improvised ’ solos are , as Adorno points out , improvised in only a very limited sense : they use stock patterns and depart very little from the written tune , and then by way of ‘ spicy ’ effects rather than inventive melodic construction .
27 he wrote in only a few important imitative leads — bars 17–18 , 25–26 , 30–34 and 97–105 — which suggests that the composer had yet to commit the remainder to paper .
28 According to Guth , the radius of the universe increased by a million million million million million ( 1 with thirty zeros after it ) times in only a tiny fraction of a second .
29 Some of these longer spinelets end in only a few points , others are shorter more rugose with a multipointed crown .
30 She was familiar enough with the garden by this time to return in only a few minutes with sheafs of colourful tropical blooms , and she arranged them in two big vases to make riotously informal bunches of colour that lacked classical form but would , she hoped , be pleasing to Faye 's artistic eye .
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