Example sentences of "[was/were] now [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They were now to withdraw to corridors with a width of 3 km , along ( i ) the 315-km road , rail and oil pipeline running through central Mozambique to the port of Beira ; and ( ii ) the 540-km railway along the Limpopo river from the Zimbabwean border to Mozambique 's capital , Maputo .
2 The decade began with the American Library Association 's Standards for school library programs , which gave a very thorough rationale for the new type of services the school libraries were now to support :
3 However Crete was invaded the day before the arrival of 800X at Malta , where they were now to remain , attached to 830 Squadron , and were to play the role of night intruders , attacking airfields in Sicily with 20 lb. bombs .
4 To my mind , it would be a stylistic improvement if Community legal texts were now to abandon the use of the word ‘ whereas ’ for the purpose of introducing their recitals .
5 If so , I can not think that your Lordships would do right , if you were now to reverse , as erroneous , a judgment of the Court of Appeal , proceeding upon a doctrine which has been accepted as part of the law of England for 280 years … .
6 The young earls who attended the Dunstable tournament were now to take a leading part in Edward 's wars , and with a new generation of earls came a new strategy .
7 Elections to the National Assembly were now to take place through the direct and secret vote of the population — deputies having previously been elected by members of each of the country 's 14 provincial assemblies ( which were popularly elected ) from among their own members .
8 On the other hand , businesses in the Midlands and North which qualified for UBR reductions were now to receive them more quickly .
9 It was in the Cup that Northampton were now to make the headlines .
10 The main objectives were now to abolish poverty among children and halt the decline in the birth rate .
11 The same ship had brought two 16-pounder , two 12-pounder and two eight-pounder [ 7.3 , 5.5 and 3.6-kg ] guns , which were now to prove their value .
12 If we were now to consider the many sonnets of celebration of the Friend where the Thou outweighs the I we would find a similar dedication to the other without , I feel , any disabling by modern tastes — self-abnegation .
13 His robot companions were now to operate well away from him across a fairly large room and at key moments in the drama when there was an anticipatory silence from everyone else , he found he had the personal ‘ power ’ , and with some verbal style ( and a high degree of repressed excitement as he discovered he could be publicly effective ) he presented himself as an efficient robot controller .
14 His solution was now to spend his way out of the recession by a massive expansion of public works programmes , and by the summer of 1939 the crisis was over — although there were still over 9 million unemployed .
15 Convinced that the dynasty was lost , she felt that her duty was now to do everything in her power to save the country .
16 Referring to the English essayists , he says : ‘ A sentence was written to have only one meaning ’ : and the writer 's ‘ task was now to create autonomous text to write in such a manner that the sentence was an adequate , explicit representation of the meaning , relying on no implicit premises or personal interpretations ’ ( 1977 , p. 268 ) .
17 All of this was in the hours ahead , for I was now to live through one of the toughest three days and nights I ever experienced .
18 They set up house in No. 93 , which was now to let .
19 The politburo was also retained , rather than being replaced by a party presidium , although in keeping with the proposals for the latter body the politburo was now to include the leaders of the parties in the 15 republics .
20 During the ensuing correspondence attempts were made on behalf of the applicant to obtain a much larger postponement whilst he sought to obtain legal aid for representation at the interview , but the Director of the Serious Fraud Office did not agree , and on 24 June she caused a further notice to be served , identical to the first , save that the interview was now to take place on 26 June , and the ‘ person under investigation ’ was identified as the applicant alone .
21 His son was now to take charge and lead the opposition to Lij Yasu .
22 Policy was now to allow the moran to form manyattas ‘ and then to exercise control over them , and to use up their surplus energy in making them work ’ , the theory being that if the moran were in manyattas , at least the administration knew where they were .
23 Britain was now to receive the most advanced submarine-launched missile system ; there was thus no continuing strategic need for a British effort in space .
24 Wilson had sown the wind ; he was now to reap the whirlwind .
25 MacArthur 's major objective was now to recover the Philippines .
26 If every inhabitant was now to become a citizen and without the former property qualification , empire provided a vicarious property qualification for the Master Race .
27 Before his conversion in 1756 , Smart 's life had been very different from what it was now to become .
28 A trade union was now to become , in the Webbs ' first definition ‘ a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment ’ , a definition later altered so as to refer to ‘ working lives ’ rather than ‘ employment ’ .
29 Because I had been understudying Constance Donovan I was now to play Lydia , the second lead .
30 The two belligerents having accepted this text in principle , Perez de Cuellar 's task , involving a bout of shuttle diplomacy , was now to pin them down to an actual cease-fire on the ground .
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