Example sentences of "[was/were] always at " in BNC.

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1 Morality was for the laity , whose life was dominated by the battle against mortal sin , and who therefore lived under the threat of hell and were always at risk .
2 We were always at our desks by nine , taking short breaks only for meals and often working late into the night .
3 ‘ To hasten the King 's death , deposition , insanity , etc. , and make sure that there were always at least three false claimants to the throne ’ , among other things . ’
4 ‘ Leeds were always at the back of my mind as the side I would like to join if I came back to England , ’ said the 6ft 2in , 16 stone Iro .
5 At Oxford United a person occupying such a role would have been one of six or seven boys who were always at the front when conflicts arose with the rival fans .
6 Most families , especially the young and old , were always at risk from hypothermia in the winter .
7 I always seem to , I think we , we were always at Stanford Hall that we must , it was a must that we have a good programme because if somebody comes and there 's nothing doing , they think well you know yo I , I , you see I suppose I 've got that orientated into Guild work but a friend of mine enticed me to go to er a club and erm it 's just simply for any age group , any sex male or female , but you must bereaved you know and erm she is a widow and I was widow , so I went but you see we , we sat round and you just , there was nothing organised and to me who had always been organised , I just felt so like a lost soul you know and er then one chappie put some records on and you cou and you could n't dance to them and I said oh , you know to me I thought wh you know but I do n't want to do it , I 've got enough to do but , I , I was straight away , I was looking for the organisation behind it you know .
8 Both parents were always at the beck and call of the general public .
9 Individually they were always at pains to stress the provisional nature of the conceptual apparatus , and their flexibility can be seen in the way in which the theory evolved to include new topics such as narrative and literary history .
10 ‘ As strikers , we were always at opposite ends of the field so I never really came into contact with Frank on the park , ’ recalls Pearson .
11 Closet federal Europeans earlier maintained that the EC was merely a gigantic free trade area ; now they boldly affirm that political and monetary union were always at the heart of the treaty of Rome .
12 And wounded animals were always at their most dangerous when cornered .
13 But keep track he had to , for the sects were always at odds with each other and sometimes their differences spilled over into killings .
14 A Northumbrian Water spokesman said there was no danger of running out of water because there were always at least seven days of water supply from tanks at Broken Scar and Longnewton .
15 but erm he was on about certain aspects that he picked up from her , but having been in gypsy caravans round here , as when they were on Line Brook you see we were always at Line Brook for one reason or another
16 We had to , of course , make a one million pound reduction following the S S A the final S S A announcement which Heseltine made about three weeks ago , but we were always at the capping limit , and I think
17 Ma was always at her most unreasonable on do-days , and I must have known it was a do-day because not only did we have extra help in the house , but Nanny had been co-opted into the kitchen to make pastry .
18 The latest was always at a premium .
19 When I was a boy , God was always at home .
20 For as the carriage was always at the front or back , it could be kept private from the rest of the train .
21 From the time of that first evolutionary change , and onwards through the whole of the Second Period , that is , from the start of life to the dawn of civilisation , millions of evolutionary events took place which from the very beginning were moving towards the creation of an ever more sensitive , complex and capable physical being , and this being , ultimately to become man , was always at the head of the process no matter what had gone before .
22 Her knowledge of the stage and music was always at the disposal of younger members .
23 Shearer demonstrating just why he is the most complete striker in the game today , was always at the heart of Blackburn 's best moves , and in the 55th minute he instigated an attack which culminated in Mike Hooper pulling off a desperate save to keep out a Gordon Cowans drive .
24 What had happened , because his holidays coincided with mine , was that my father had become my mother as well as my father , in the sense that it was he and not she who was always at home .
25 Mesnel , known for his Anglophobic outbursts , was always at hand with a vitriolic comment about the ‘ perfidious Albion ’ and what he called ‘ the legendary hypocrisy of the English ’ .
26 Ian Fleming 's James Bond novels , from Casino Royale ( 1953 ) onwards , characteristically enough , are largely a comic creation ; and though no one would dare call the Bond thrillers realistic , their strength was always at least as much in terms of observed social manners — dress , food , drink and forms of address — as in their innocently violent fantasies about sex and power in the age of the Cold War .
27 Despite being restricted to a wheelchair he retains his cheerfulness and was always at Hove when Sussex played Warwickshire .
28 Mancini is more concerned to emphasize Gloucester 's role , but adds that Buckingham ‘ was always at hand ready to assist Gloucester with his advice and resources ’ .
29 Lovat listened to Topaz , torn between anger directed against Horatia Manners , and admiration for his wife 's loveliness which was always at its best when she was in a rage .
30 It is not known who the Islay Correspondent was but the date line was always at Port Ellen .
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