Example sentences of "[was/were] over for " in BNC.

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1 The days of immediate response and speedy marches were over for Charles with such a complex and expanding realm to govern ; two years passed before he invaded the Avar lands in retribution .
2 ‘ If I told you lessons were over for the day and you could go swimming , no doubt a miraculous recovery would take place .
3 Studies were over for a few months .
4 I thought you were over for that
5 But the little game was over for Erika .
6 All that was over for her .
7 The revolution-that-might-have-been was over for the day .
8 Every year on the Wednesday evening , after going up to bed , I used to stand at my window and gaze towards the fair some five hundred yards away , watching the flickering lights and hearing the screams and music , feeling quite sad that the show was over for another year .
9 It was over for quite a few of our friends and neighbours .
10 The tormenting life of the desert was over for him and his family .
11 It was over for weeks ago that we last publishd a programe , as finansises have been moch two tite for such extragavance .
12 But within months , he was telling friends his marriage was over for good .
13 Doubtful if he ever dented a heart ; more than likely he gave quite a number of hearts a new lift after they 'd imagined the ball was over for them .
14 The day we drove to his mother 's great big house with its green lawns and clipped hedges , I knew that my war was over for ever and Raymond was by my side . ’
15 School was over for the day and Sara had expected Jenny to arrive before this .
16 I really enjoyed it , but I was glad when it was over for it was very tiring . ’
17 The nightmare was over for them — it was the living you really felt for . ’
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