Example sentences of "[was/were] find at " in BNC.

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1 Although descriptions of these defences on Atlantic and North Sea coastlines could in pal t be gleaned from aerial photographs , much lay hidden ; as the Canadians were to find at Dieppe .
2 At each stage the vested interests — of protected tenants , of council tenants , and of local and national politicians — in the system , grew stronger and more complex , so that the wonder is not that it lived so long but that two men were found at last , in Duncan Sandys and Henry Brooke , of sufficient courage and determination to lay the axe to the roots and start hewing a way back to sanity .
3 The Stocks of two guns were found at Eddington Hill , near Hungerford .
4 7 per cent of Bewick swans and 48 per cent of Whooper swans were found at post mortem to have died from lead shot poisoning .
5 The remains of one were found at Rye on 27 November 1938 ; one was seen off Langney Point on 4 June 1956 .
6 Others were found at Stoke Newington , north London , and at Tottenham Court Road in the West End .
7 Magistrates at Buckingham , Bucks , heard how French , 56 , defied a 15-year ban on keeping animals imposed last year after more than 400 starving ewes and 25 cattle skeletons were found at Brook Farm near Winslow , Bucks .
8 The document also stated that ‘ reactionary leaflets ’ which had been circulated in Sera monastery in Lhasa were found at Dorje Wangdu 's home and that he had ‘ distributed symbols of personal protection ’ ( amulets blessed by a high lama ) , brought ‘ from abroad ’ , to monks in Ganden monastery .
9 They were found at Caren 's Irish family home .
10 A MOTHER was being questioned by murder squad detectives last night after the bodies of her two young children were found at their home .
11 The hyacinthine macaws , worth £25,000 as a breeding pair , were found at Henley , Oxon .
12 Another 30 forgeries were found at Sheffield Wednesday 's match against Chelsea .
13 They were found at the bottom of drawers , in filing cabinets , and stuffed in amongst other papers .
14 By 1500 BC , the metal workers of Crete were producing a large range of cooking and storage utensils , including some large cauldrons made by riveting together several bronze sheets : some fine examples were found at Tylissos .
15 Some well-made metal fish-hooks were found at Gournia ( Figure 36B ) , together with a lead sinker for a fishing line and some stones which could have been used for weighing nets .
16 It may be thought odd that no large bronze double-axes were found at Knossos or Phaistos , but this is probably because the sites were ransacked in antiquity and plundered of their usable and precious metal objects .
17 It appears as a motif in pottery decoration and models of it in ivory or faience were found at Knossos , Zakro and Mycenae .
18 The early Holocene plants were found at Site E-75–6 , at Nabta Playa , near the Egyptian-Sudanese border .
19 No less than 173 coins were found at the bottom of the pool together with a large number of rings , bracelets , brooches and other objects : evidence which strongly suggests a votive deposit .
20 Participants from England were found at tournaments in northern France and the Low Countries — at Compiègne in 1278 and at Mons in 1310 .
21 However , Cavendish was of more assistance to L : Lord Parker C.J. emphasised ( at p.378 ) that more must be proved for actual or constructive possession than that the goods were found at the premises , it had to be shown that goods had come to the premises by arrangement and that a servant or agent had instructions to take the goods .
22 Two further quantities of heroin were found at his home , amounting to 26 grammes .
23 Two spoiled griffin-heads were found at the Samian Heraion , showing that they were made there , as no doubt they were at Olympia too .
24 Finally , men who had never married were found at increased risk since the 1940s , indicating a potential association with male homosexuality .
25 Anderson in " Scotland in Pagan Times " tells of 36 gold annular armlets , all melted except one , which were found at Coull .
26 Quasi-periodic solutions were found at sufficiently small a , and chaotic solutions developed after a sequence of period doublings as f is increased when a = 0.05 ( see Fig. 2.23 ) .
27 A description in G.Paynes ' Collectania Cantiana tells us that four vases of black ware , one of reddish colour , two cups of imitation Samian ware , two black paterae and the neck of a large goblet with handle were found at a depth of four feet at the feet of ten human skeletons .
28 The certificates were found at Heathrow , Cyprus and
29 The papers were found at Locan Street near the Royal Victoria Hospital .
30 In February 1990 more secret files were found at both the Defence and Justice Ministries .
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