Example sentences of "[was/were] give [num] " in BNC.

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1 All patients were given 0.625 mg daily of oral conjugated oestrogen ( Premarin , Wyeth ) .
2 Campbell pointed out that London policemen worked only eight hours each day and were given one day off each week .
3 Then , weary but triumphant , with sufficient guards set and scouting parties out to ensure that no possible rallying of the enemy endangered them , the victors were given one final item of news before they couched down to sleep .
4 They were given one day to decide .
5 But if , instead of jumping you walked , one step at a time , and were given one small coin as a reward every time you happened to take a step in the right direction , you would reach the scorpion in a very short time .
6 After filling the containers they queued up and were given two large plain loaves .
7 In order to avoid the confusion which could be caused if employees were given two divergent sets of goals to pursue , matrix management involves a complex committee system and relies on good and regular internal communications .
8 The pupils were given two parallel tests on some length criteria at an interval of two months .
9 The frontier settlement agreed to in 1699 included an arrangement whereby the Turks were given two tiny footholds on the coast .
10 And then , after two years , we were allowed on to the wards in our white coats and we had to erm find out about the patients and initially we were all very slow and we were given two hours to talk to a patient to find out all about them .
11 Lords and peasants were given two years to prepare charters which would map out the peasants ' " portions of arable land " and define the extent of their " obligations " .
12 The Harrises were given two weeks to pay off mortgage arrears of £8,000 .
13 Before the war , foods such as butter and cheese were given two layers of wrappers by the counter hand , but this was reduced to one under the restrictions .
14 Edward Bohun , a younger brother of the Earl of Hereford , received 400 marks , worth of land and was granted the office of Constable in view of the infirmity of the earl himself ; John Neville of Hornby and Robert de Ufford , a knight of Suffolk who had served in Gascony in 1324–5 with the Earl of Rent , were given 200 marks for ‘ helping in the same enterprise ’ .
15 In this roadside check , drivers with one or two suspect tyres were given fourteen days to get them into shape .
16 Some changes , however , were made in the draft to satisfy those who had challenged it in this way : union republics were given eleven rather than seven seats each in the Supreme Soviet 's Council of Nationalities and ex officio places on the Committee of Constitutional Supervision , and changes of wording were made in order to remove what Gorbachev described as the ‘ misunderstanding ’ that the rights of republics had been infringed .
17 All subjects were given 1 l of tap water before imaging , the water acting as a positive — that is , bright , contrast medium , to outline the gut lumen without affecting motility state .
18 Similarly , when the informants were given five sets of words , and asked to list them in order of the likelihood of appearing in SF , the experienced readers included " dreams ' , " drugs ' , " consciousness ' , " identity " , " information " ( all themes of recent SF ) while the inexperienced readers marked only " Martians ' , " flying saucers ' , " ray-guns ' , " robots ' , " mutants ' .
19 We were given thirty days to come up with our designs .
20 The ransom was set at 4 million écus once again , but this time the French were given four months to raise three-quarters of it , which was clearly impossible .
21 Steam inhalations were given four hourly and Mr Brown was given analgesia prior to physiotherapy .
22 The Conference was not just an affair , mounted at great trouble and expense , at which the Party 's footsoldiers were given four days simply to kick over the traces .
23 In the late 1920s W. Embden , professor of physiology at the University of Frankfurt , found that German miners produced 20 per cent more coal when they were given 7 grams a day , decidedly a harmful dose , of sodium hydrogen phosphate .
24 We were given 10 minutes to prepare , then had to give an interview of 2 minutes .
25 The schools were given six weeks in which to draw up a register of parents , but decisions had first to be made about what constituted a parent .
26 It abolished 1959 legislation which had regulated the confiscation of an estimated 70,000 houses , shops and small business between 1955 and 1962 ; former owners were given six months to submit claims for restitution or financial compensation .
27 Utilities supplying large cities were given six years to meet the standards by taking chemical action to reduce the acidity of their water , which should cut the amount of lead leached from the pipes .
28 Some 15–20 , 5 ml water swallows were given 20–30 seconds apart .
29 We were given three weeks to make ready and our curiosity was heightened when four American cypher sergeants from Headquarters Squadron , Middle East US Forces , were attached to our unit .
30 Many were given three faces , the number three having long been sacred .
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