Example sentences of "[was/were] all a " in BNC.

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1 We tried lots of rehearsal spaces but they were all a rip off and totally out of the way .
2 Fforde makes much of the importance of archives and private correspondence as the means to discover ‘ true intentions ’ , so why did Austen Chamberlain not simply drop Hugh Cecil a note to let him know that his speeches in favour of tariffs and pensions were all a put-up job ?
3 This is especially true of those remembered with ambivalence : grandparents who evoked ‘ admiration mixed with awe ’ or of whom ‘ we were afraid ; ’ the swearing , free-thinking grandfather of a future preacher ; or the high-minded but remote Wiltshire rector — ‘ We were all a little afraid of him : he was so tall , venerable , so full of big words and bigger gestures .
4 To tell the truth , I think they were all a bit scared of him .
5 ‘ I think , if truth be told , we were all a little afraid of him . ’
6 At this stage the fish were all a dull brown which I put down to the new environment — the photograph I has seen showed a tan coloured upper body smothered with black patches .
7 A palace aide said last night : ‘ We were all a bit apprehensive about the lunch but when they arrived they put everyone at ease .
8 And by the time we came out we were all a little bit tiddly , and as you know , Fred does n't dance any more , but as we walked up the street to the car , he started to tap dance .
9 They were all a bit afraid of what Ifor would say if they did wrong .
10 One general practitioner , who works in a large multipartner practice in Worksop , said that the community care reforms were all a bit of a mystery .
11 Hopefully , by the time the lingering effects of physical addiction have worn off , there will be sufficient group cohesion and peer pressure to persuade the sufferer to stay in treatment and thereby counter-act the urge to believe that the problems were all a lot of fuss about nothing .
12 I 'd believe anything bad about anybody , if I did n't know they were all a load of bloody liars . ’
13 You were all a bit concerned I suppose ?
14 " At lunch we were all a bit subdued , " he said .
15 The woman 's face staring at him , her footsteps as she ran off and the stench of the multi-tentacled creature were all a blur as he lapsed in and out of consciousness .
16 In our squadron was a man I call an elderly because at the time he was about forty to forty five years old and we were all a bunch of kids .
17 ‘ For the first few days they were all a bit subdued , ’ Bob said .
18 As of were all a
19 They were all a pound .
20 They were all an experiment .
21 I 've always been good at painting ; I 'd nearly finished my picture — which included the ark and a mountain when Miss began telling us how rainbows were all an illusion caused by sunlight and raindrops .
22 ‘ That was all a long time ago now . ’
23 Eliot was well aware it was all a business of transmission and reinterpretation of past interpretations as he shows in writing that ‘ Shakespeare acquired more essential history from Plutarch than most men could from the whole British Museum . ’
24 I thought it was all a joke , you 've really got to be some schmuck to fall for that one .
25 He was almost sure that it was all a revelation to her and he watched her in sad silence as she covered her face and shook with sobs .
26 It was all a bit odder than that .
27 But it was all a bluff .
28 It was all a little ‘ circussy ’ — a little P T Barnham .
29 It was all a mistake of course .
30 It was all a great privatisation success , he explained , pointing to fleets of cars and tractors lined up for export .
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