Example sentences of "[was/were] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although the two purchases were at no stage legally conditional the one on the other , the obvious inference was that the family was interested in acquiring houses side by side .
2 Fortunately babuskas , or old ladies , were at every stop selling paper cones full of fresh berries and currants for one rouble .
3 Even in the eighteenth century , when interiors ( and people ) were at every social level a great deal dirtier than they became in the Victorian period , Defoe 's Moll Flanders can forgive a multitude of sins , where everything is ‘ so handsome and so clean ’ .
4 By 1922 the first three types had either disappeared completely ( the gentry ) or were at a very low ebb .
5 That has been much nicer than paying the 5% or so charged on bank loans even when interest rates in Japan were at a record low .
6 Admittedly , the weather was worse , English fortunes were at a low ebb , and the higher charges may well have deterred many people , especially the Caribbean fans ; but one suspects that some thousands of people simply could not face the prospect of yet another day almost entirely given over to fast bowling .
7 People who had had experience of the National Assembly , where much the same procedures were followed , or who had picked up the style from televised broadcasts of it , were at a decided advantage .
8 Formal guidelines covering team objectives and operational policies were at a minimum in 1982 .
9 ‘ We are informed that you were at a lecture , on the thirteenth of last month . ’
10 Liquid products for manual use : This is calculated by standardising arithmetically the price to achieve a true cost which represents the price the product would be if it were at a standard concentration of 30 per cent .
11 Younger , unattached people were at a premium in Southland .
12 Refining and Marketing had the best results since 1986 , and Exploration and Production 's results , excluding divestment profits , were at a similar level to 1990 .
13 For example , Matthew Paris , the medieval author of Historia Anglorum and who used the Nativity reckoning , wrote in consequence that certain eminent people were born , or died , on certain dates which were at a variance of a full year with the Historical .
14 Then , as now , people were at a loss to help the whales back to deep water , and even more so when it came to explaining the phenomenon .
15 The newspapers embarked on a steady reporting of rape and sexual assault cases , alleged to be on the increase , although official figures stated that sex offences were at a 10-year low .
16 At such close quarters , mistakes would have been more than evident but to the merit of all those involved , these were at a minimum and more than compensated for by sheer enthusiasm .
17 We were at a track well away from the hotel that the Italians had euphemistically dubbed the Athletes ' Village , and well away from the training track that was adjacent to the Olympic Stadium .
18 They belonged to a club I was n't qualified to join , they were at a party and I had n't been asked . ’
19 He even came across a restricted locality where lived a colony of what must have been a new sub-species of the extremely rare , Small Mountain Ringlet butterfly , for they were at a much reduced altitude to their normal haunts , and altogether smaller than the regular species .
20 It is therefore not going to be possible to behave as though you were at a genuine social occasion and it will not be surprising if you feel awkward and nervous .
21 Earlier , 150,000 people were at a rock concert in Frankfurt .
22 All approaches to the Lakeside shopping centre at Thurrock , Essex , were at a standstill with six-mile jams on the M25 .
23 He accused his country 's batsmen of playing ‘ shots as if they were at a gunfight in the old Wild West ’ .
24 They were at a loss to know what to do with this sullen rebel who kept bursting out against them so unjustly .
25 He had taken up a woman 's role , and in the most feminine way taken up the nursing of Sien when his own mental and physical health were at a low ebb .
26 We bought Dowty knowing that we were at a low point in the aircraft build forecast , that was part of the reason for the timing .
27 By the fourteenth century relations between the Greek and Latin churches were at a nadir .
28 In India we missionaries were at a loose end .
29 Military and government people were quickly absorbed into the war effort , but the churches were at a loss what to do with us .
30 Assuming a constant rate of inflation of 5 per cent per annum , the real value of the relief would decline by a compounded figure of 39 per cent over 10 years and , if inflation were at a constant 10 per cent per annum , the corresponding decline would be 61 per cent .
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