Example sentences of "[is] [adv] we " in BNC.

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1 It 's somewhere we have no maps for , no guides .
2 That is effectively we 're paying this extra fifty pence right resource misallocation we there is always what 's called a dead weight loss right to intervention , right it 's an inefficiency loss or an efficiency loss , due to the fact that we 're asking t , in this case farmers , right to using , use resources but farmers are n't the most efficient people in resources but in to erm , high tech computer companies , alright and if we gave pounds worth of support to a high tech computer company they would be able to produce more value as a result of that pound er than if we gave one pound to a farmer , simply because erm that , sort of the high tech industries are more productive , they 're more efficient .
3 We move now we move now to er , faith and life is on we 're on page thirty five .
4 Oh no it 's only we in n it .
5 We 're off to Scarborough to see the bakery busy preparing edible Pudsey Bears especially for Children in Need only just over a week away now and Jill Pattenden our woman 's health expert is in we 'll be talking about cervical smear tests and Jill can help you with period problems pregnancy child birth menopause contraception do ring us from eleven .
6 The purpose of this afternoon 's session is basically we 're we 're sort of looking at it from two pronged attacked .
7 But she said what it is is basically we 're all just starting from the bottom because this new idea of where they 're buying small homes and making them small communities
8 ‘ Oh , no need to colour up , my lady , when ‘ t is merely we women gossiping .
9 This is so we can respond effectively to the needs of our clients .
10 And if this is so we get the delightful result that instead of there being at least two radically different sorts of things in the world , sensory states and material objects , there is only one sort of thing , sensory states , and all putatively other sorts of thing are reducible to complexes of actual and possible things of the first sort .
11 To understand why this is so we need to look more closely at the ways in which they have been used .
12 To understand why this is so we need to return to the polytrauma theory outlined earlier and see what its significance is for the development of the modern individual .
13 If that power was sufficient , the holy spirit , if that power was sufficient to raise Christ from the dead , you not think he 's able to exert that power in your life and in my life to make us live lives that are pleasing to God , of course it is so we do n't do it ourselves , just let me in closing mention one other thing , this relationship we have needs to be maintained , you know for any relationship to grow , one needs to spend time with the other person , I do n't give a lot of credence to the saying that absence makes the heart grow fonder , it does with somebody else , it 's true , it does not make it grow fonder of that person the person is you know who you , you heard this story so often , like particularly like going back during the last war , folk who were separated sometimes for , for , not just for months but for several years , there they were in concentration camps perhaps , in prisoner of war camps , separated for years , they come back home they 've got to get to know each other all over again you see that a relationship on a human level as well as in our relationship with God is dependent on , on association , it 's dependent on companionship , it 's dependent on spending time with the other person and in our relationship with Christ this is achieved by , by prayer , by knowing and understanding God 's word , by having fellowship with other Christians and fellowship with other Christians is not just meeting them and passing the time of day with them , oh that 's fellowship but it 's far more than that is required , there 's the fellowship in worship , we worship together , of course I can worship God at home of course I can do it , so can you do it and we , we should do it , but there 's that re , there 's that need , that requirement as God 's people we come together to worship him in a corporate act , in the sacraments , in , as we mentioned in , in earlier on in taking the bread and the wine and remembering the lords death , there 's a sense in which I can do it by myself
14 We suppose that 's a rule in our minds and that explains our judgments about for example and proform substitution and so on that 's so we define the notion of a constituent plus label it with brackets , and then we make certain predictions about operations that can or ca n't be performed on .
15 He was in a filthy mood , first because I 'd suggested he sleep on my floor instead of at Sorrel 's so we could get an early start , then because I 'd made him wear a suit and tie to go with our Yuppie cover ( and because I 'd insisted on the shirt as well ) .
16 ‘ When this old war 's over we 'll have wine every Christmas , and that 's a promise , girl . ’
17 After it 's over we cut to another scene and there 's somebody who might be the little guy again and he 's still strapped to a chair but this time it 's a tall hospital chair with wheels and a little fold-away table in front of him and the straps holding his torso would be easy to undo but his hands are limp .
18 When it 's over we wash our hands like trained neurotics .
19 Lastly , I would simply say that for weeks before the war was over , General whom I would like to call your attention to , was an Operations Officer and during the night when we were laying on missions we 'd say to each other , when this thing 's over we 're gon na get stinking drunk .
20 These little thumb print things along the , along the sides are called the marks and the down to the sea those marks disappear and you get this silvery appearance , so it 's very plain if you 've got these that the salmon has been up there just in the upper which is exactly we had , hope we had happened
21 Instead , it sets up shame , hatred and sometimes a complicated sexual response , which is not we want for our children .
22 It is not We 're not proposing that these sites should be allocated for development .
23 ’ It is not we who are uncivilized ’ , she snapped .
24 To see what happens when people pretend that a currency is worth what it is not we have only to consider Germany 's monetary union .
25 And the reason is normally we look at human relationships from one point of view or another , or assume that perspectives are the same , but clearly they 're not the same , the perspective of an offspring is not the same as the perspective of , of the parent .
26 and t were which is just we were
27 It 's just we got no time , as you sit down to work they pin something on you .
28 It 's not that we did n't get on together , it 's just we had nothing in common .
29 ‘ We want to do something to celebrate it , ’ said Mr Lamb , ‘ It 's just we have n't got much money .
30 it 's just we 're a very , small , old-fashioned type club
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