Example sentences of "[vb infin] way to " in BNC.

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1 Finally , a few guideline wishes for the 1990s : undoubtedly , first , that the Channel Tunnel will be completed without undue delay and that a new highspeed route will rapidly follow through Kent ; that under their new chairman , Robert Reid the second , from Shell , due to take his post in October 1990 , BR will somehow regain a touch of personality , warmth , humanity , without losing their commercial edge ; that the policy of providing new and cheaperto-operate stock for secondary routes rather than handing down yesterday 's worn-out express trains pays real dividends and prevents too much discussion of ‘ bustitution ’ ; and that defensive theory will give way to common-sense pragmatism over matters such as the quality of the printed timetable and what really benefits the customer .
2 Graham Greene sarcastically remarked of the latter that ‘ Both the director and the star seem to labour under the impression that they are producing something important ’ , and the film 's success was enough to assure Wilcox that Hungarian naughtiness should give way to solemn patriotism .
3 No one can confidently say that the initial calm which has greeted the news of the deportations will not give way to a far more vigorous reaction .
4 He came calling for Europe to work towards economic integration to ensure that the democratic hopes of people in the East did not give way to an opposite undertow of disillusion .
5 But their interests should surely give way to the greater public good in enhancing confidence in the integrity and fairness of the capital markets .
6 Occasionally , her brisk South London accent will give way to a Brooklyn drawl which speaks clearly of a childhood spent shuttling between extended family in London and New York .
7 I must not give way to it , because it is so unlike me and quite causeless .
8 In the 1080s , when Archbishop Siegfried of Mainz wanted to retire to become a monk , his cathedral clergy wrote to him in horror , stressing a traditional view : ‘ Nothing in the world surpasses the life of a bishop ; every monk or recluse and every hermit , as being of lesser importance , must give way to him . ’
9 It will lack an expectation of success when in conflict with other horses , or for that matter people , and will give way to the aggression or assertiveness of other horses .
10 Mr Browning motioned his wife to be quiet and taking Wilson 's arm conducted her to the door , saying something to the effect that she must not give way to gloomy thoughts and that doubtless she was tired with a young baby still nursing and a house to run .
11 The third and most lengthy phase of the operation to save the tower will involve pumping water into the land at strategic points ‘ to make it give way to the north ’ .
12 Soon simplicity must give way to sophistication .
13 They each believed that what they were doing was vital for the betterment of the world as each saw it and neither would give way to the other , or defer in any way to the other 's claimed priority in attention , preference or responsibility .
14 ‘ Alice ’ was a jolly girl and did not give way to deep depression as another ‘ Army ’ mother had done on finding that baby would not be a Major as her father was .
15 R&D must give way to demonstration , which should mean showing that the technology works .
16 Beer mats will give way to hymnals , and glasses to enlightenment as Britain 's first ‘ pub church ’ holds its Easter Day service , two hours before opening time at the Old Farmhouse public house in Nailsea , near Bristol .
17 Weedy pools may give way to areas of broken rock , with boulders and small stones which can be turned over to reveal a hypolithic fauna of considerable interest .
18 One must not give way to despair .
19 This in turn will give way to the recessive phase as the external constituency from which the institution recruits its membership dwindles and biological growth declines .
20 Active engagement may give way to the skills of contemplation and reflection .
21 People have begun to notice that the initial pleasure can give way to spiritual and psychological disruption .
22 The main purpose of Marx 's economic theory is to explain the phenomenon of surplus value in the capitalist system and the reason why capitalism as an economic system can not survive but must give way to socialism .
23 More than any other wartime figure he addressed himself to the conscience of middle-class radicalism , arguing that the only worthwhile victory possible was one based on the common ownership of the means of production and a moral revolution in which selfishness and the profit motive would give way to an ethic of service to the community .
24 I should explain that I never once thought that he should ‘ give way to me ’ — as Nonni said he should — because I was ill ; only because , as I told him , I had always thought of him as ‘ a reasonable human being with some pretensions to morality ’ .
25 These open family meetings provide a focus for debating your own view , while learning to listen and give way to others .
26 They need to describe initially what issues they want to stand firm on and what issues they can give way to .
27 It was a name that would swiftly give way to his , once his heroism and navigational skill were recognized back home .
28 And yet she had not cried , not even now , when the coffin was to be taken from Summer Lodge and carried to the graveyard on the hill overlooking the sea , could she give way to tears .
29 Can the classical doctrines of the Trinity and the incarnation continue to serve as focusing and shaping theology for today , or must they give way to some quite different approach ?
30 As quality feature films were produced so the anxieties and introspection could give way to congratulation and to a new hyperbole .
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