Example sentences of "[vb infin] work in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did n't want to work in a shop or a bank so I wrote to my local radio station , West Sound , asking if I could make the tea . ’
2 I did n't want to work in a place where I could n't wear my fur coat .
3 Not much , says Mr Day , and he predicts that smaller firms that do n't want to work in regulated areas will break away from the Institute and set up in practice as plain accountants .
4 When Celia appeared to go from bad to worse , Brian had advertised for a housekeeper and two had come and gone in quick succession , the first merely saying that the post was not to her ‘ fancy ’ , the second giving a fuller more blatant explanation : that she did not want to work in a household where there was nervous trouble .
5 Even in Britain Phelps Brown ( 1959 ) has shown that employers did not want to work in ‘ double harness ’ with their own men , that is to say , they would strongly resent their own workmen claiming to argue as unionists with them in their own works .
6 Other Greeks do not want to work in them ; they prefer the little shop , the handyman 's job , doing something for cousin Yannis .
7 Bradshaw and Millar found that about two-thirds ( 62 per cent ) of lone mothers on income support said that they did not want to work immediately although they would want to work in the future .
8 You might want to work in it .
9 But who 'd want to work in the small labs if the more exciting stuff went elsewhere ? "
10 Tony did not want to work in a shop or a factory .
11 I do n't know , I did n't really want to work in an office .
12 He surprised and alarmed us all by saying that , following the liberalisation of exit controls , he expected that up to 7 million Soviet citizens would want to work in the west .
13 she wo n't , she 's , she 's just on the , oh I do n't want to work in a boring office we 've , we 've tried to say not , you do n't have to work , it 's an in , it 's an in to what you want
14 Having acknowledged that , Cabinet does meet less frequently , it discusses fewer formal papers , it is presented with more virtual faits accomplis at the last moment , and she does prefer to work in ad hoc groups — many of the most important ones remaining outside the Cabinet-committee structure .
15 I 'd prefer to work in a factory .
16 Within a month of filming the episode she flew back to London — heart of her new global empire — where she planned record and film work designed to guarantee that soon she would never need to work in Ramsay Street — or anywhere else for that matter — again .
17 You will need to work in groups of three of four .
18 Alternatively , the designer may commence working in " free-space " and later declare it as having fu
19 Do you enjoy working in the theatre ?
20 ‘ You must enjoy working in such opulence . ’
21 Unless otherwise indicated , therefore , this questionnaire is asking for information about courses which aim to improve teachers ' or trainee teachers ' understanding and awareness of the nature of human ability-orientated courses , either in teaching methods for language teaching or in communication for all teachers — but information given should not refer to work in these areas unless it has been specifically asked for .
22 At the very best they would dismiss her , as Miss Ernestine Baker had done , with an icy reminder that she must never expect to work in Frizingley again .
23 If you would like to work in a striped pattern , how about working in variegated stripes ?
24 Thinking he would like to work in business , he studied industrial economics at Nottingham University , where he gained a 2.1 .
25 However , on a Dow-Stoker Returners programme she discovered that she had quite a strong numerical ability , and decided that she would like to work in an accounts department .
26 Ultimately , she would like to work in film , behind the camera .
27 I 'd like to work in photography now instead of you know erm going to college and spending four years at college .
28 I 'd always thought I 'd like to work in an old people 's home .
29 I do n't think I 'd like to work in a factory .
30 And then , would you like to work in this area or would you like to go elsewhere ?
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