Example sentences of "[vb infin] who [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And not only that , but where are they coming from , and how do I signal who I am ?
2 Simon must never doubt who his son is .
3 ‘ The trouble is , I do not know who they are .
4 ‘ You must know who they are .
5 First , I would like to draw to the attention of two or three people ( they will know who they are ) the words : ‘ in verse ’ .
6 Today 's kids do n't know who they are .
7 Their administration is in chaos and they do n't know who they owe or who owes them .
8 This copper said the Tunnel Mob 's bin done fer a ware'ouse job in Wappin'. 'E told me they was still lookin' fer two more blokes who was involved but they do n't know who they was . ’
9 ‘ I would sell any of them to a non-Asian but I do n't know who they are .
10 I think you find most actors and actresses agree that the hardest thing sometimes is just to be yourself , because most people just do n't know who they really are .
11 That is n't the same as saying I do n't know who they were .
12 The police wo n't know who they 're looking for .
13 They 'd fuck her one after the other and she would n't even know who they were .
14 You imagine we do n't know who they are ?
15 I do n't know who they are — famous men , dead and living , who 've fought for the right things and created and painted in the right way , and unfamous people I know who do n't lie about things , who try not to be lazy , who try to be human and intelligent .
16 He had n't seen them and did n't know who they were .
17 Pinko 's people bringing in all sorts — I do n't know who they are .
18 ‘ Mrs Gray thinks he had a number in the morning but does n't know who they were from .
19 The problem is they have a lot of strong cards : I do n't know who they are , how many they are , where they 'll come from , or when .
20 You must know who they from .
21 After a time the others go off to search for ‘ Smee ’ — but of course they do n't know who they are looking for .
22 This is so that members of the public will know who they are talking to .
23 Erm and when she was talking to me about different people , I 'd never know who they was , because I was never I was never that interested in Bay to er to find out who they was or to remember she 'd point out somebody and say that 's so and so and then when she 'd mention him a couple of days later I 'd go , Who 's that ?
24 ‘ Even though we did n't know who they were . ’
25 but we do n't know who they are .
26 I do n't know who they get their money from but they .
27 I do n't know who they are really .
28 You ca n't tell me their parents do n't know who they are .
29 ‘ And we ca n't prosecute the vandals because we do n't know who they are . ’
30 But Richard I was trying to get his on a and I , I 've , I 've helped two other children to put theirs on , I do n't know who they were , and Dorothy says , oh we better get out Ann the teacher wanted the the visitors
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