Example sentences of "[vb infin] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So how did Mrs Price win her case when she was alleging age discrimination .
2 A MOTHER is living in a nightmare from which her only possible escape is that her tiny daughter may win her fight for life .
3 He wagered a necklace of great value so I proffered the ring on who would win her favours first . ’
4 She would dig and cultivate her plants with great gusto and had one of the finest gardens in the Institute compound .
5 Sarah 's dream sitter would be Benazhir Bhutto , whose beauty and wide eyes would well suit her style .
6 They should chat until they come to a realistic agreement about a style that will suit her hair and lifestyle .
7 She had a boyfriend on an American station just outside Huntingdon , and it did n't suit her book at all to be shifted .
8 She already had grave doubts about the propriety of letting him buy her things , but accepted that it was part of the deal of being his supposed girlfriend .
9 so what we 've got ta do is we got ta buy her desk and we 've got ta buy her a little chest of drawers
10 She is canny and determined , and her talent is so special that she could be running her workshop from an oil rig in the North Sea — people would buy her work just the same .
11 He said what can I buy her mum ?
12 I apologized for my behaviour ( you know how it is : a few drinks , a few laughs , you step out of line ) , and asked if I could buy her lunch some time .
13 ‘ If we had enough money we could buy her ticket and put it through her letterbox without letting her know who it was from , ’ said Anne .
14 I would have been sorrier still if she had not paraded her distress so openly , sighing and staring into space and insisting that Richard should buy her whisky , which is expensive in Morocco — in her place I should have been so humiliated and ashamed that I would have done my best to put a good face on it — but I was sorry enough to agree that she should come with us , in our car .
15 Like we might buy , my sister is , she loves chocolate , my mother would buy her packet of of Secrets or something , she buy a
16 Using a heavy Tesco bag to help batter her way through the TV crews and a gaggle of amused onlookers , she reached the National Westminster Bank just after water privatisation 's witching hour of 10am .
17 Could this be Leif , calling to advise that the Rocha kitchen would include her tiles and asking if she would confer with the solicitor 's wife ?
18 She was only half Jersey , and that half did not include her temper , which was chancy and morose .
19 Civilized people , in her view , did not include her aunt Evelina or cousin Tina or the idealistic vegetable gardeners .
20 The agency will also include Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution and the waste regulation departments of local councils in England and Wales .
21 The old man had gone to stay with relatives for a few days , and Dorothy wondered if I would water her houseplants , because he ( Leo ) wanted to spend all the time he could with her at the hospital .
22 Notwithstanding , the upshot is instructive , alike to those who , in their adoration of the psychical Cybele , Queen of the Inexact Sciences , and to those , more virile , who do not recognise her Sovereignty .
23 ‘ Did the aunt recognise her voice ? ’
24 Only one thing surprised me — I did n't recognise her voice and I had thought I would .
25 I 'd recognise her voice , I think .
26 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
27 I would recognise her breadcrumbs anywhere .
28 She sat on the hard hall-stool beside the telephone , safe in the semi-darkness and waited for Dorothea and her friend Florence Ames who was a nurse , someone who would recognise her condition instantly , who would be on hand should emergency treatment be required , who was trained and capable .
29 Each male ‘ wants ’ to be the sole father of the young , but the female ‘ wants ’ both of them to help rear her offspring .
30 She fears that its plans will confine her sex to a social ghetto
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