Example sentences of "[vb infin] at night " in BNC.

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1 I can only compose at night , so that I ca n't get up early as well ; besides , one is not always in the mood for working .
2 Nothing else would change , though , the north geographic pole would n't move , and if we were to go outside to check up , the sun would still rise and set in the same place , and the Pole Star would appear at night over the local gas works .
3 I left him as usual to work in peace all day , certain that his reproachful silence which accompanied our mealtimes would lift at night .
4 These satellites carry photomultipliers , which amplify the light they receive , and infra-red cameras , which can see at night .
5 The battery was for a camping weekend — so that I could see at night .
6 To the west above the city you can see at night a white glow in the sky from the concentration of reflected lights .
7 I can not sleep at night … my heart is weak … my feet are heavy …
8 ‘ I ca n't sleep at night because I 'm worried : both about getting behind with my work , and about bouncing cheques , ’ he said .
9 It 's maddening — like voices in a dream , I ca n't sleep at night , they taunt me ’
10 I knew MPs who could n't sleep at night because they were going through lobbies voting against their consciences for the Gulf war — to kill 100,000 people — because they believed it would help a Labour victory .
11 If you can not sleep at night , your doctor will give you a potion to bring on artificial sleep .
12 I ca n't sleep at night for that baby crying , I ca n't breathe in the daytime for that stench of tallow coming out of their back door — and one of his customers brushed me into the dusty street the other day …
13 We can sleep at night with you in the house .
14 Lamont 's decision not to tax the Royal Family is disgraceful and I do n't know how the Queen can sleep at night when her subjects are struggling in misery .
15 ‘ I do n't know how the referee can sleep at night after that .
16 How well do you sleep at night ?
17 It 's not all fun — sometimes I ca n't sleep at night for worrying . ’
18 Maybe someone will provide a 24-hour 0898 number which we can dial when we ca n't sleep at night for thinking about the copy of Milan Kundera 's Immortality lying untouched on the bedside table .
19 It th , I was depressed , I had swe sweats , night sweats and my husband was all , he could n't sleep at night and it changed it completely !
20 Nobody could sleep at night .
21 Sometimes he could not sleep at night for thinking about the one time it had happened .
22 ‘ But where do you sleep at night ? ’
23 ‘ I do n't sleep at night .
24 you 're gon na sleep at night .
25 He wrote : ‘ I can not sleep at night .
26 The reason Nicola 's GP had sent her to me was that the little girl would n't sleep at night , had tantrums and breath-holding attacks , and her mother wondered if she was allergic to something she was eating .
27 How do its denizens sleep at night ?
28 It 's , I ca n't sleep at night .
29 And at least I can sleep at night . ’
30 Now I do n't care what people say : at times I look at the child and I am so happy I ca n't sleep at night .
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