Example sentences of "[vb infin] [pn reflx] by " in BNC.

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1 For now Great Nations must free themselves by releasing peoples they oppressed , not simply assimilate them , and that would have to include Engels ’ non-historic peoples .
2 Erm right , well we 've got the lights down , we 'll perhaps er use some of the slides er later , but er if I can just introduce myself by saying that some of you will already know Chris , this is the er nature of our business .
3 I do n't see how you can describe yourself by saying what your sexual orientation is .
4 He acknowledges that before a contemplative is ready , like Moses , to climb the mountain , he must prepare himself by the time-honoured Western disciplines of Lectio , Meditatio and Oratio — study of scripture , meditation and prayer — but he tells his readers that other authors will tell them all they need to know about these .
5 A huge lump of misery welled up into his throat and he stiffened his jaw so that he would n't disgrace himself by crying .
6 Malignant melanoma can show itself by a change in the look of a skin mole .
7 This may show itself by an improvement in the child 's behaviour or in the resolution of some lingering problem , such as the slight cough or persistently runny nose .
8 No party will discredit itself by selecting list candidates who are no more than puppets .
9 To generate a biological molecule like haemoglobin , the red pigment in blood , by simple sieving would be equivalent to taking all the amino-acid building blocks of haemoglobin , jumbling them up at random , and hoping that the haemoglobin molecule would reconstitute itself by sheer luck .
10 The reasons for failure are more likely to be due to people problems , which may show themselves by the lack of cooperation when the information system is being developed and a resistance to the changes that occur when the application is implemented .
11 Civil servants dealing with the public will normally identify themselves by name .
12 When the weather is very cold they can not fly at all , but can warm themselves by deflecting their wings at right angles to the Sun ( as do , for example , locusts ) .
13 Some varieties of crystal might better themselves by making conditions hard for ‘ rival ’ varieties that compete for raw materials .
14 Bureaucrats use their power to obtain policies with characteristics which will benefit themselves by distorting information , leaking information , distorting the speed of policy implementation and distorting the costs of policies as they are implemented ( Breton and Wintrobe 1979 ) .
15 It does mean that they ca n't improve themselves by any small land therefore likely ! evolutionary step : none of their immediate neighbours in the local equivalent of ‘ biomorph space ’ would do any better .
16 The signs we can amuse ourselves by locating in a Daguerreotype under extreme magnification are , in the 1980s , all too abundantly clear to the naked eye .
17 Unlikely , but he could amuse himself by playing with the idea .
18 Consequently , he is continually having to hold on to a sense of humility while he listens to other people , otherwise he can too easily defend himself by taking up a judgemental posture .
19 However , even on the view that the plaintiff must be the target , no malice or spite is required : apart from the protection of the trade disputes legislation the tort would be committed by a trade union officer calling his members out on strike and he can not defend himself by arguing that his purpose was the increase of his members ' wages : unlike the tort of conspiracy , no predominant purpose to injure the plaintiff is required .
20 A doctor accused of negligence by a patient can defend himself by showing that what he did was accepted practice , provided that practice was approved by responsible opinion in the medical profession .
21 Your heroic blue robot must defend itself by obliterating the approaching red robots .
22 The proposed community , to be established on the banks of the Susquehannah river in New England , would consist of twelve men and women , and would sustain itself by farming the land .
23 It seems some parents let their children amuse themselves by chasing foals and small ponies , or throwing sticks and stones at them , or tormenting them in other ways .
24 Neuroscientists may amuse themselves by thinking up objections to homologies between brainstem structures , but this is n't pursued that seriously .
25 I was shattered , but how could I defend myself by explaining that his hitherto unsuspected mistress had just rung me up to spill the beans ? ’
26 One is never entirely without satisfaction when one 's friends are in a mess , one looks at once to how one can enlarge oneself by interfering . ’
27 The equanimity of your average tosser of coins depends upon the law , or rather a tendency , or let us say a probability , or at any rate a mathematically calculable chance , which ensures that he will not upset himself by losing too much nor upset his opponent by winning too often .
28 so that he would n't upset himself by barking , that 's why I tapped on the window when I saw you .
29 ‘ He can excuse himself by showing that the escape was owing to the plaintiff 's default ; or perhaps that the escape was the consequence of vis major , or the act of God ; but as nothing of this sort exists here , it is unnecessary to inquire what excuse would be sufficient .
30 If he were to conform to the strict rules of etiquette and combat guiding the danseurs nobles of the French opera-ballets , he would not demean himself by seizing the nearest thing at hand , the rudder from his boat , to put his adversary to flight .
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