Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 The s the point I would make is that first of all I do n't accept that twelve thousand seven hundred is er a tenable figure but that , probably the more important point is that there has to be a policy response , and a policy response to this issue demands that there is at least some response to the mi to the level of migration er you know my my my view has been put forward very clearly about that , but I would simply make make the point for the record that even accepting one hundred percent migration , there is no statistical case for a new settlement .
2 Do do you think think the pictures help ?
3 Erm unfortunately the advertising standards did n't uphold uphold the complaint but at least we made a point .
4 No no no no can I no no yes just let just let me pursue pursue the the thing the way I would like to at the moment .
5 The last ten days gradually it has been coming back since the really trough period in late January with the war and the snow , etc. , and in fact this week erm we 're expecting this week to probably do double the level of bookings that we did last week , and that 's on overseas holidays for summer and winter .
6 John even goes as far as to boast that The Borrowers is breaking new ground : ‘ In fact , some of the things we can now do make the special effects in Star Wars look prehistoric . ’
7 and what 'll they do buy the shares back off people which 'll
8 yeah , that 'll do keep the old garden
9 But I wan na go back shall I go back and do alter the things I wan na alter ?
10 Mm , well I mean that 's what they 're gon na do take the eye test charge off and the teeth charge off as soon as they get in , well it 'll all materialize do n't they ?
11 I think you 'd do leave the bits
12 Right , we 'll now do turn the page to T six six six four , which is the intensity by Graham by officer
13 The enduring point is that close links did not make finance the slave of industry .
14 Oh yes , there were no er there was no er no nonsense , I mean you would n't dare answer the teacher back like they did now and call them by their christian names .
15 Erm in the days before the civil war the southern racists were very concerned to enforce federal laws in the north that the north did n't like like the fugitive slave law .
16 The Bogeyman would never dare enter the kitchen .
17 I did not dare take the whole brandy bottle , so I poured some into a smaller bottle to take away with me .
18 ‘ Do n't ye dare malign the girl in my presence and under my roof ! ’
19 Who would dare defy the might of the Raj ?
20 We never thought they 'd dare put the bodies there .
21 I do not dare open the blinds .
22 I was calling Sweetman 's bluff , confident he would not dare pull the trigger , and equally confident that my marine training would let me turn him into mincemeat .
23 The difficulty was this : he wanted to increase the elevation to creep forward over those last 300 yards ( he did not dare exceed the two-pound charge ) but , as every gunner knows , increasing the elevation beyond five degrees can be a risky business ; it is not the great number of rounds that destroys a cannon but the high elevation at which it is fired .
24 He did n't dare inspect the mattress in case that too was the same .
25 And all those who had silently wished with all their might that they might dare challenge the hegemony of dowdiness took to ‘ Next ’ like ducks to water .
26 After what he 'd said she did n't dare turn the key in the lock , but she made short work of undressing .
27 Yes I I would agree with that but I wondered , I think perhaps it should be the finance committee , I mean cos I understood that most of these these items are contained within the existing budget , because I mean the individual committees do have have the power to the monies within their own , and I it has it I would agree with Peter that if we have gone over and above the that the committee were working to but I understood that that was not the case , so I .
28 Do you think the world will ever get get the balance right feeding the starving ?
29 The book is unashamededly aimed at peak baggers , although the author does let slip the occasional tedium of a pre-defined list .
30 The talkative bird , which is worth £300 , could let slip the name of one of its captors or even an address which could provide detectives with vital clues .
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