Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv prt] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If Forgive us our … had been followed by sins ( as it is in some modern versions of the Lord 's Prayer ) , inappropriate contextual information could slow down word identification if used too early .
2 The articulatory loop should also be seldom used since it would slow down processing of a message whose speed is beyond the control of the interpreter .
3 If synonyms occur frequently , it can slow down access speeds considerably , and therefore the advantage of random access is lost .
4 The stock market is still nervous of them because of fears that the cost of restructuring will slow down recovery .
5 Any bias will slow down movement in one or more directions and produce a tell-tale lurch of the shoulders as the body-weight is shifted .
6 The higher interest rates and credit squeeze control used by the Conservatives did , however , slow down growth in the economy overall .
7 So if we can hurt them or certainly gang together if you like , cos unity is strength , and between the three workforces they 'll certainly slow down production and hopefully force things .
8 Heat is nothing more than energy of atoms in motion , so if you can slow down atoms , you are in effect cooling them .
9 Nevertheless , the blast from a cruise missile would knock down houses several kilometres away and kill people up to 6 km away .
10 In turn , these two characteristics permit hierarchy to meet four of any organization 's fundamental needs : to add real value to work as it moves through the organization , to identify and nail down accountability at each stage of the value-adding process , to place people with the necessary competence at each organizational layer , and to build a general consensus and acceptance of the managerial structure that achieves these ends .
11 Yeah but if he 's gon na come Saturday I mean we can hang on painting we ?
12 When I would n't help you strip down Alan 's engine ?
13 Here , the Metropolitan police are planning to feed all genetic records of known sex offenders into their computers next year — this will speed up considerably the time in which they can track down attackers .
14 There will also be a pensions ombudsman and a tracing service to help people track down pensions held with previous employers , he told Mr Gerrard Neale ( C. Cornwall N ) in a written reply .
15 Among the package of proposals meant to safeguard members of company pension schemes , Mr Newton plans to have a tracing service based on a register of pension schemes to help people track down pensions held with their previous employers .
16 He left the house and set out to find London University , and see if he could track down Rebecca Salmon .
17 Fighting the terrorists : Technology that can track down letter bombs .
18 That would help us track down details from the relevant auctioneers .
19 In this case , Sheila might not agree to Mark 's removal , but she might compromise over periods of respite care with his grandmother , which would satisfy the paediatrician 's concerns .
20 However , one set of mappings may predominate over others , thus producing a bias in the availability or accessibility of plural or singular referents .
21 The interpretation of his objective through committees , in which he could win over doubters , was to him a central part of the chairman 's task .
22 For instance , in Slemmadenia donnellsmithii ( Apocynaceae ) , spider-monkeys may excel over parrots and other birds in this respect in Guatemala .
23 If you have always shared a daily newspaper , now 's the time to have one each , to read and discuss over breakfast .
24 Understandably , Tony O'Dalaigh is anxious that what he describes as the ‘ chaos with Archaos ’ does n't hang over reports of the 1991 Dublin Theatre Festival ‘ I would n't want it all to obscure the fact that in terms of the festival 's visibility and the people who turned up to see the shows we had the most successful festival in years .
25 However , how many times have you seen your ball deviate off course at the last moment due to someone not repairing their pitch mark ?
26 If there are small children in the equation , there will need to be a flat , soft area where they can fall off swings and climbing frames .
27 ‘ You ought to know , ’ Anna said more gently , ‘ you ought to know by now that things you want do n't just fall off trees .
28 Could it not buy up businesses abroad ( $45 billion over the whole period 1950–67 ) , make loans and grants to foreign governments ( $50 billion ) or finance military expenditure abroad ( $44 billion ) simply by printing money ?
29 Russia 's freeing of prices had caused controversy with other CIS member states , which were effectively compelled to follow suit , since Russian consumers would otherwise simply buy up goods at controlled prices from neighbouring republics .
30 Why does n't someone buy up Japan before it owns everyone ?
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