Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 should think so an all
2 The change of context can influence only an excitatory association and thus the result of Fig. 4.6 , a loss of the CR , can be expected .
3 The sand grains themselves are confined to a layer very near to the surface and thus their erosive effect is very limited in vertical extent , while surface creep can obviously affect only an extremely limited vertical range .
4 Planes of soap solution have the property that only three can intersect along an edge at an angle between them of 120° .
5 The sheer mass of Snotlings can overwhelm or tie down an enemy unit even if the tiny creatures do n't cause many casualties !
6 Aggression ( 5 credits ) : This decides if a player will duff over an opponent or avoid him .
7 How do you know like an eighteen year old is someone responsible
8 So we 'd jump up an get one of these rabbit skins and then we 'd take it back to wholesale fruiter in Street , and get fourpence for it .
9 Beyond that sea rises a mountain range and beyond that stretches a vast desert where the sun twists round and beats down so hot it would dry out an eagle 's wings and turn them to dust if he flew too long .
10 A sun so hot it would dry out an eagle 's wings !
11 There will be no climbing or hill-walking involved and you 'll only need about an hour to complete it and hand in your finished Puzzle .
12 If the timing were tight he might not need even an hour .
13 Our existence would lack even an Adamic fig leaf of meaning if we ignored our capacity to glide over our past , coalescing and juxtaposing our memories , irrespective of their temporal spatial or circumstantial labels .
14 I 'm quite clear that I do not need either an outline or a planning application in order to arrive at my conclusion that the effect of any development on these sites would be deleterious to the historic character of Skelton .
15 ‘ You will continually be living on the edge of a volcano ’ , wrote Hatton offering advice to budding youth workers , ‘ for no one can know when an outburst of general indiscipline will occur . ’
16 Whether it be Microsoft , WordPerfect Guildsoft or any of the other software houses and importers , they can only let you know when an upgrade offer is on if they know who you are .
17 The meeting would seek specifically an agreement by which all countries reaffirm their neutrality and detachment from military blocs , as the first step towards the eventual ‘ Finlandisation ’ of Afghanistan .
18 Buyers and their representatives will often throw away an orange or an apple or other fruit … it is the custom .
19 The four men , as McKenzie had suggested , did present rather an odd spectacle .
20 Her mother feared the trauma of being snatched from her could bring on an attack , and ran around frantically trying to find both the inhaler and the child 's tablets .
21 A SOCIAL worker urged a boy of 14 to steal a car so they could carry on an affair , a court heard yesterday .
22 Yet , as Samuel warns : ‘ even if nation is expelled from the class-room , it will still carry on an underground existence in the corridors and playground and an altogether more uninhibited one on television and the football terraces .
23 A delegation travelled to Lisbon to present their case ; FLEC-Renewal president José Tiburcio Luemba called on Portugal to revise the agreements which had brought about the independence of Angola in 1975 , and said that his movement would carry on an armed struggle until independence for Cabinda had been achieved .
24 The Consultation Draft which preceded the issue of the COB Rules explained that in order to carry on investment business of the same description ( and so qualify as a market counterparty ) , the putative market counterparty must carry on an activity in relation to a description of investment which both fall in the same paragraphs of Sched 1 to the FSA as the activity and investments of the firm .
25 Indeed , taking things a step further , you can break down an overall favourable attitude to a brand into a set of attitudes to different aspects of the brand .
26 Sometimes you can bring in an expert from a local college or hospital to lead activities .
27 They 'll also bring in an independent security auditor to estimate its effectiveness : Eagle will be installed on the user 's Sparc or RS/6000 .
28 Wilson fears for education generally , that the market pressures could bring in an entrepreneurial ethos which could change the nature of institutions and leave the morality of the market-place unchallenged .
29 Right , well , well , actually yes , what , what you look at , is , is what 's important to you and you put a cash value on it , and it might be the mortgage , it might be education , it might be giving yourself a couple of years ' salary and paying debts or whatever , er , and the security of knowing that O K , if I die , I 'm not leaving a problem for my family , but at the same time if I 'm in a situation where I get a serious illness and I ca n't bring in an income , I 'm securing my , my , my future in that respect .
30 Other measures include a 50p increase on garage rent to £2.50 a week , which will bring in an additional annual income of £32,500 .
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