Example sentences of "[vb infin] [adj] quite " in BNC.

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1 we 're dealing with a horrendous fire here , we got ta have , shocking , do n't you think some quite shocking words some quite horrifying words , if you want to grab people 's attention
2 Forward , the ILP paper , which was not unsympathetic to women 's causes , including suffrage , nevertheless commented sternly : We do n't think this quite satisfactory .
3 Now , I must make this quite clear to you , you ca n't actually mess around with time .
4 Yeah we have to we shall do that quite soon I think .
5 Of course , they could do this quite legally .
6 You can do this quite simply by lifting the forelimbs together and gently pressing down on the top of the shoulders .
7 Yes , now I would n't slur those quite so much as I would make that all legato .
8 The diagram shows a way of depicting how religions can present two quite different — and this time contradictory — faces : one of radiance and perfection , for which light is an appropriate symbol , and one of shadow for which darkness is an appropriate symbol .
9 In retrospect she could see that quite plainly .
10 So and you can see this quite clearly if you look at the arches .
11 At one end of the scale a production manager may regularly use some quite advanced statistical methods as part of day to day control .
12 When they are questioned on the attitudes , motivations and beliefs they bring to their tasks , strongly held schemas will often become obvious quite quickly to the trained observer who knows what he ( or she ) is looking for .
13 This can be particularly useful , because although your dog may well master these quite readily in the privacy of your garden , it will also need to perform them with your encouragement in the totally different environment of the training hall , in the company of other dogs .
14 Do n't use these quite as much as mono-unsaturates : sunflower oil , safflower oil , corn oil , soya oil , walnut oil , all margarines and spreads labelled ‘ high in polyunsaturates ’
15 While ‘ Shine On ’ has too many holes in it ( the exclusion of Syd 's ‘ Piper At The Gates Of Dawn ’ is a gaping omission ) to be considered a ‘ definitive ’ historical document of Pink Floyd , it does contain some quite magnificent state-of-the-art rock music .
16 Clive had told her the boat could sleep six quite comfortably when the settees on either side of the drop-leaf dining table were converted into sea-bunks .
17 ‘ I think it is incredible that with the supposed new spirit of co-operation , a major tourist country like France should have this quite ridiculous position where people wanting to pay for goods and services are being charged exorbitant fees , ’ he said .
18 And the Greeks did really produce two quite outstanding historians by any criteria , Herodotus and Thucydides .
19 The decision that a particular intervention is not clinically indicated may conceal two quite different ethical assumptions .
20 ‘ Oh , she 'll reach fifty quite easily .
21 As Gellner has pointed out , ‘ empiricism ’ , as a theory of scientific method and knowledge generally , can mean two quite different things .
22 But occasionally well not occasionally but quite often , at least once or twice a week , you 'd hear of somebody who is in the thieving business , they 'd got something for sale and you could get that quite cheap .
23 ‘ Let me get this quite clear .
24 You know you can get some quite good buys like end of the season .
25 Erm you may find that quite interesting .
26 Those familiar with hand-jamming will find this quite accommodating , well-furnished as it is with excellent placements .
27 Some people might find this quite fascinating .
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