Example sentences of "[vb infin] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't want to go to bed , because I did n't want to miss anything .
2 You do n't want to miss anything .
3 They had to wait while the Substitute put on his new galoshes , murmuring with a cigar between his teeth : ‘ Do n't want to miss anything this time … ’
4 ‘ We do n't want to miss anything , ’ one of them said , reaching unhurriedly into another pot .
5 Lots of girls got put on report for wearing each other 's clothes — usually for visits , when they 'd want to borrow something that looked good .
6 ‘ I would prefer to lose none , Commander .
7 Do you want to post something through here ?
8 I certainly do n't want to lose anybody , especially me .
9 I expect she 'll want to see plenty . ’
10 I will be watching both of you closely and I will want to see everything that is to be published . ’
11 ‘ She wo n't want to see someone like you .
12 Yes , that 's , it 's a lovely , er , lovely story , Anna , er had a hat on and if she did n't want to see anybody , she was just going out
13 I 've seen Anne and Nonnie and I do n't particularly want to see anybody else .
14 He added : ‘ I do n't want to see anyone sent off but you ca n't have tackles like that flying around . ’
15 But I was n't sure that you 'd want to see anyone so soon .
16 I do n't want to see anyone . ’
17 ‘ You look fine , and anyway , if you do n't want to see anyone you can go through the annexe .
18 Mr Fallon , a champion for redevelopment of the site , said : ‘ I do n't want to see anything which would have a detrimental effect on the bus company but the area is crying out for a new development . ’
19 Mr Fallon , who supports redevelopment of the site , said : ‘ I do n't want to see anything which would have a detrimental effect on the bus company but , at the same time , the area is crying out for a new development . ’
20 The Czech government does not want to see lots of companies go under because of a new bankruptcy law .
21 I would not want to mislead anyone into thinking that research is easy : it is hard and very time consuming work .
22 But they could 've been talking about something personal and we would 've heard everything they said .
23 Others will , of course , prefer to wear something more substantial during colder weather .
24 While in the summer you might get away with a pair of trail boots , I would always want to wear something more substantial for traditional British hill-walking .
25 ‘ And of course , with a new haircut , ’ Faye was saying now , ‘ you 'll want to wear something special .
26 That anyone should want to kill anyone on this tender lovely evening was a concept beyond the understanding of all of them .
27 ‘ Why would anybody want to kill anybody ?
28 But I 'm very concerned obviously as a representative of Shropshire on that Committee , I do n't really want to support something which at the end of the day is going to have a detrimental impact on our own service here .
29 You 're gon na want to support someone in groups are n't you ?
30 You 're gon na want to support someone in groups with the changes coming on board , know what I mean ?
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