Example sentences of "[was/were] [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 Crates of fruit and vegetables were stacked at the other end .
2 Scores of meticulously labelled tins containing sub-assembly fixings were stacked at the rear of the workshop .
3 The words were propelled at them like stones from a sling : a direct hit would have killed a bear .
4 The rootstocks were developed at government research stations and are still known by their reference numbers .
5 Where necessary , new bridges , such as the Pont Saint-Michel , were built to cross the Seine , whose quays were developed at the same time as arteries for traffic .
6 In a semi-literate age politicians are fragile ; they live by and through institutions which were developed at a time when speech-writers were unknown and MPs were elected on policies evolved without feedback , positive or negative , from market researchers .
7 Later , new ports were developed at Sunderland Point and Glasson for larger ships than could negotiate the estuary as far as Lancaster itself .
8 In the interval , policies were developed at a slower pace than the rate the problems multiplied with which they were intended to deal .
9 They were developed at that time as a useful product for the , for the menfolk .
10 Three methods were being tried : A benign substance called Hot Foot Gel painted on the top of transformers and similar equipment to produce a ‘ sinking ’ feeling for the Hoodies when they try to land ; Plastic strips with irregular plastic spikes fixed to the top of equipment to discourage the birds from landing in the first place ; Non-working poles incorporating ‘ alternative nesting pans ’ were erected at selected sites to encourage the crows to use them instead .
11 They are mentioned by name on eighteenth-century maps and referred to in Sir Walter Scott 's The Bridal of Triermain ; they are often supposed to mark the county boundary , which they do not , and the most popular theory is that they were erected at the time of the Border raids to delude Scots advancing up the Eden valley , from which they are conspicuously in view , into the belief that an English army was encamped there .
12 Wooden platforms or stages were erected at different levels , so that men working on the various portions of the vehicle were facilitated in their task .
13 Barricades were erected at the precise boundary of the two religious communities in an area of no-man's-land between a Catholic cathedral and a Protestant church , both rumoured to be threatened by attack .
14 If any memorials were erected at their burials , as at Crosthwaite , none remain today .
15 Accordingly , difference and Sim-weighted Fourier maps phased from the protein model were calculated at 20–4Å resolution , and inspected using the computer graphics program FRODO .
16 Drexel assets were calculated at some $2,600 million and it was agreed to divide these between the bank 's creditors and the various litigants .
17 Oesophageal body amplitudes were calculated at 5 ( distal ) , 10 ( middle ) , and 15 ( proximal ) cm above the lower oesophageal sphincter as the mean of 10 consecutive readings .
18 But if my own suspicions were aroused at that moment , Lord Darlington evidently did not share them .
19 When tempers were aroused at home , and dirty names were bandied back and forth , Louis 's was the quiet voice of reason which held sway , melting the fires of passion .
20 But the majority of classes were arranged at District branches and the statistics are considered representative of the proportion of occupational groups within the District .
21 New centres at Harpenden and Old Welwyn were established and Tutorial Classes were arranged at branches in Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City .
22 Cups and saucers were arranged at just the right angle beside the small plates , and the bone-handled knives were correctly positioned to the right of each plate .
23 Practice ski lessons were arranged at the local dry ski slope .
24 The talks were arranged at Frelimo 's request by the Italian government and the Vatican , apparently without the knowledge of Presidents Daniel arap Moi of Kenya and Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe , who had attempted to mediate in the conflict .
25 LOW PRICES were realised at the Rick Cole Reno Auction on September 18/19 .
26 What if the Prime Minister were assassinated at five past nine , in time for a satellite station 's nine o'clock news , but 55 minutes before News at Ten ?
27 Five people were assassinated at Acerra , near Naples , on May 1 by a group of men who apparently belonged to the Camorra , the Neapolitan equivalent of the Mafia .
28 John Major told the Commons at Prime Minister 's Question Time that none of the 16 arrested at the factory , where 340 were sacked at the end of January , had been a Timex worker .
29 He decided it was time he improved his Test record in 1989 when England were mauled at home by the Australians and he lost his wicket several times to Terry Alderman .
30 Statues were pointed at and the shattered grand piano from the drawing-room in the hope that they might help , if only a little , to shore up the weakest banks of soil .
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