Example sentences of "[was/were] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Though all these exploits were undertaken with schoolboy high spirits , no one lost sight of the fact that these swashbuckling deeds of derring-do were a dress rehearsal for the serious havoc the men were to wreak in France .
2 As officers were to acknowledge in the formal consultation document on closure in 1986 , community mental health services were not all in place in the Riverside District , but the underlying objective of the strategy , to release resources to fund community service developments , had been achieved .
3 The duties of the CCC , which was to work ‘ in close touch ’ with the Central Juvenile Employment Exchange , were to arrange for the vocational guidance of prospective school-leavers and to liaise with exchange officials in registering juveniles and in selecting applicants for interviews .
4 Under Biset 's orders they were to search for the evildoers and those who harboured them , and do whatever was necessary to maintain the king 's peace in those parts .
5 Even if no more water were to flow into the aquifer , water would flow out , like the air from the tyre , until the pressure was no longer enough to lift the water above ground level .
6 ‘ If Chelsea were to proceed with the ground-share as it stands , the legal position of the development would be in doubt . ’
7 If prosecutors , magistrates , judges and jurors were to proceed on an entirely sceptical footing , many fewer search and arrest warrants would be issued , fewer people would be prosecuted , even fewer would be committed to trial , and , of those tried , many more than at present would be acquitted .
8 One of the difficulties of proceeding with the single currency , particularly if a small number of member states within the Community were to proceed on their own , is that it would become increasingly difficult for others to join them at a later stage .
9 " We 'll have a regular Simla evening , " declared the Colonel , and for this nostalgic excursion he chose to dine in a private room at Kettner 's , which still exists to-day , in Romilly Street , Soho ; after dinner they were to proceed to a box at the Palace Theatre , return to Kettner 's , where they arranged to leave their dominos , and thence to a masked ball at Covent Garden .
10 Action : If the user were to proceed to the module entry phase , Y DCs would be required for modules in package P. This number of DCs exceeds the LIFESPAN maximum .
11 The events that followed have been chronicled by several of those that took part , My fate was similar : we were to listen out for a coded signal from Group at Lyon if we were to proceed to the target .
12 They were to proceed from here on foot .
13 Huy would need Merymose 's help if he were to proceed in that direction .
14 Childeric must have been subjected to many of the influences which were to impinge on his son .
15 If England , with four or five new faces in the side , were to lose to South Africa , then the blow to morale would be considerable .
16 If you were to strip off the face , like a rubber mask , what would be underneath ?
17 In parliament , opposition party tactics were to capitalize on popular discontent with government economic policy by opposing specific measures , such as price increases , on the grounds that they were either inopportune or part of a generally faulty government economic strategy .
18 Clerical subventions to Edward I did not end here , but in future they were to issue from papal taxation .
19 Reports on Jan. 22 said that the recently privatized Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd and the Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan , a development finance organization , were to appeal to the Supreme Court against a ruling by an Islamic court banning bank interest [ see p. 38683-84 ] .
20 Essen Ruhrgas ( 35 per cent of shares ) and Hannover BEB Erdöl und Gas ( 10 per cent ) were to invest in the Leipzig Gas enterprise ( the remaining 55 per cent of shares would be sold to other investors ) .
21 Mixed institutions , the greater part of which were used for other than hospital purposes , were to remain with the local authority and would not be taken into the National Health Service .
22 Children under three were to remain with their mothers .
23 The guillemots and seals were to remain with us during the whole of our stay , providing a continuous source of interest .
24 In 864 , the Edict of Pîtres ordered that peasants who had fled because of the Vikings should not be oppressed by counts or others in the places in which they had found refuge : they were to return home to their original lordships but they should be allowed to keep their earnings from working in the vineyards ; on the other hand , if they had married and fathered offspring while resident in others ' lordships , the wives and children were to remain with those lords .
25 Criteria were divided between two types : primary ( child care ) criteria which concentrated on assessing familial circumstances likely to pertain if a child were to remain at home ; and secondary ( disclosure ) criteria which either substantiated or refuted children 's and young people 's disclosures .
26 Like Fyfe , all three were to remain at these places until the end of their working lives .
27 The cutters and machinists were to remain at the club house for another twelve and eighteen months respectively but the plan was for the printers to move immediately into the new premises .
28 The INPFL forces were to remain at their Caldwell base .
29 In Essex there were to remain in the Forest only the half hundred of Waltham and parts of the hundreds of Ongar and Becontree , said to have been afforested before 1154 , and the royal demesnes of Havering , Hatfield , Chelmsford and Kingswood near Colchester .
30 The puppies that were to remain in the UK , although shown , achieved no obvious success , either in the show ring or as breeding prospects .
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