Example sentences of "[was/were] [v-ing] up " in BNC.

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1 Reason bein' , we did a complete sweep of the whole area outside the perimeter of the grounds , jes ' in case our man wuz lyin' up in the vicinity .
2 Perhaps they were gazing up here quite absently and speculatively , as I did on Monday .
3 Events were shaping up faster and worse than I could have expected .
4 Already , statistics were catching up on them .
5 We told him that you had been out all night and that you were catching up on some sleep .
6 So they , the pursuers , were catching up somewhat .
7 The year 1973 came close to repeating the triumphs of 1972 but , as usual in FI , other cars were catching up with the Lotus , though not in qualifying , for 1973 was the year in which Ronnie Peterson notched an astonishing nine pole positions and a place on the front row in twelve of the season 's fifteen races , as against one and five for Emerson , Peterson finishing a mere three points behind Fittipaldi .
8 They were catching up with an interrupted past , not forestalling a proletarian future .
9 The social services managers were two or three years behind those in the NHS in developing contracts , although they were catching up fast .
10 The strains of the last fortnight were catching up with him , and he looked every one of his sixty-four years .
11 In its critique of the project , known as Nina , the Science Policy Research Unit ( SPRU ) of the University of Sussex , says : I Only six papers a year were produced from research using the machine , whereas similar devices abroad were producing up to twice as many
12 They were building up to a strong finish with ‘ The Skater 's Waltz ’ and Noreen knew her number would go up next .
13 The great kings , Philip of France and Edward of England , were building up nation states .
14 ‘ We were building up our home , ’ his mother had told him .
15 In Argyll the Dalriadic Scots were building up their strength .
16 How must it be to tend your bit of land and sow crops and vegetables and perhaps rear animals , knowing you were building up a comfortable home and an inheritance for your children and then see your children taken and forced into slavery by the Robemaker ?
17 Long before the century closed , pressures were building up for constitutional change and for more profound changes in the social and economic system itself .
18 A helpful northerly breeze was filling the sails , so that they were building up gentle speed across the waters of the bay .
19 Several of my old shipmates from earlier years were now established on the cutters and were building up reputations as excellent navigators , boat handlers or engineers , as well as hitting the headlines occasionally with notable seizures or rescues at sea .
20 Helicopter traffic to and from the rigs and foreign flights to Norway and Holland were building up rapidly as a result of the oil boom , and with the small numbers of customs staff on shore our crew was often asked to help out while we were in port .
21 The paper was rocky , as circulation , distribution , legal fees , arguments were building up .
22 Tears were building up behind her eyes , threatening to disgrace her by spilling down her cheeks .
23 It was as if he were building up his own mental data bank of the organisation 's inter-personal relationship patterns , which was a form of words I was sure he would understand .
24 HP 's software effort for the new servers included endorsement from a veritable who's-who of mainframe software houses , all eager to stand up on the platform and say that their customers were queueing up to leave the IBM mainframe world behind .
25 We will be asked why , given the evidence of the time , when EFTA and the east European countries were queueing up to join the tighter Community that was being proposed , we allowed ourselves to be left outside .
26 Others were queueing up for cracks at goal as well , notably Jon Newsome on at least two occasions , as well as Speed and Bats .
27 Blackburn , loads of Iti clubs were queueing up for him .
28 Within hours of their arrival , says a WIA team member , holidaymakers were queueing up to tell them horrific tales about thefts , attacks and prostitution on the streets .
29 Even whilst the plague was raging , the King and parliament , who had fled to Oxford to escape , were drawing up new legislation to persecute the Nonconformists .
30 ‘ The basic concept was that there should be a period of restraint to redress the balance of what has been a tremendous amount of development over the years , ’ he said , referring to the support the parish council had given to county and district while they were drawing up their local plans .
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