Example sentences of "[was/were] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 ABOVE Emil Du Bois-Reymond , the 19th-century German physiologist who showed that muscular nerve impulses were a–in to electricity .
2 Erm at the time when I took er office as a shop steward , er there was approximately two hundred and fifty apprentices and er there would be about six hundred shop floor workers and the rest er were complement to the staff .
3 Already in the 1930s government was having to cope with this decline , and ventures like the Team Valley Trading Estate at Gateshead and the new iron and steel works at Ebbw Vale were testament to the need for regional support .
4 We could n't help but notice that some of the coverage following whatever it was we were witness to at UniForum referred to it as ‘ Unified Unix . ’
5 We could n't help but notice that some of the coverage following whatever it was we were witness to at Uniforum referred to it as ‘ Unified Unix . ’
6 Poor communication and a lack of understanding of their respective needs were core to the failure of the book trade and FE to get the most out of each other .
7 In principle parsons had the advantage , but in practice rectories with cure of souls tended to be the poorer ones , for many of the best were impropriate to their monastic patrons , which in almost every case had ordained a vicarage and endowed it adequately — rarely with less than £5 a year , more commonly £6 — while rectory incomes tended to vary widely .
8 He sketched out its original business plan on the back of a napkin in 1983 ( a time when napkins were home to many new ideas ) .
9 The delightful gardens , at their best in the late August sunshine , were home to peacocks and hens , cockerels , a caged canary , a goat that kept the grass trim in a neat semi-circle around the tree to which it was tethered , several dogs and a sizeable cattery — stars of which were some blue-grey Abyssinians .
10 Leeds did well , but it looked as though top points would be shared with Huddersfield as , on the last Saturday of the tournament , the Peacocks were away to Bradford City while Huddersfield , two points behind , were home to Bradford ( Park Avenue ) .
11 The coat was capacious , a home to guns , and the boots were home to knives .
12 These were home to founders of the Pilgrim Father Movement , which many years later saw its followers making their epic voyage to America aboard the Mayflower .
13 And for more than a century they were home to livestock .
14 Unlike casual labour , skilled workers were heir to a tradition of militancy .
15 He describes the West End theatre which he and Burton were heir to as ‘ Binkie 's .
16 Indeed it can be argued that the churches in such places were heir to a ‘ purer ’ tradition than Rome 's , because it was not diluted and distorted by Pauline thought ; it was something closer to what Jesus himself , James and the original Nazarean hierarchy would have propagated .
17 Both departments were heir to the Chadwickian and Benthamite politics of the 1830s but each had crystallized a specific mode of social intervention .
18 You were heir to a throne and I was a minor officer from a village you had never heard of . "
19 These were back to back on the long side-walls each with their Habitat anglepoise , Roland 's black , Val 's rose-pink .
20 and I wanted to clarify that , and make sure that our procedures actually were back to back with contract procedure .
21 You see they were back to back .
22 On that particular day I I was coming home from work and it were quarter to nine , I 'd just finished work .
23 We noticed that as one of Mrs 's appendices er there was a reference to a willingness by one of her clients to provide other ponds , were development to er proceed on the area known as D thirty nine .
24 Cars and small vans , with only disrepair in common , were head to tail , headlights burning , a few yards away .
25 In the conference centre — Paul 's living room — members of his Trekkie club , Ten Forward , were wall to wall watching Trek videos .
26 In Japan the supreme virtues were loyalty to one 's ruler , one 's lord or one 's immediate superior , and filial piety .
27 DURING December last year Wood Group Engineering Contractors [ Peterhead ] Ltd were host to a graduate engineer from Thailand .
28 Before the Report was published teachers were prey to the wildest fantasies about its contents — we would insist on rote-learning , daily exercises in grammar , no more creative writing .
29 Both tall men , they were eyeball to eyeball .
30 Although old-fashioned spheres of influence were anathema to the United States , there was a tacit acknowledgement of areas of primary leadership in the protection of Western interests from the cancer of Communism .
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