Example sentences of "[was/were] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 This is not the most Basque part of the Basque country because it is too built-up and , in the case of Biarritz , too chic ; but everyone should go at least to Saint-Jean-de-Luz , emphatically a Basque town and still in living touch with the ocean of which , as fishermen or on occasion as pirates , the Basques were for long leading citizens .
2 By early in the seventeenth century several of the states of Europe — France , England , the Dutch republic , Venice — already had permanent diplomatic representatives more or less securely established in Constantinope ( though the English and Dutch ones at least were for long concerned above all merely with the fostering of their countries ' trade : the former continued to be paid not by the British government but by a group of merchants , the Levant Company , until as late as the 1820s ) .
3 In any case many rulers were for long reluctant to send ambassadors to foreign capitals if a lower-ranking representative would suffice .
4 In contrast , when the laser is inhomogeneously broadened , the experiments were for long in advance of the theory , as we shall see below .
5 Both families were of long standing in Norfolk .
6 Soon , however , we were into long stretches of powder and spring snow where Andrew videoed us in action .
7 tell me what arrangements have you got your with your employer if you were on long term sickness ?
8 It 's a problem that shows no sign of disappearing — while we were at Long Lartin there was another skirmish which left two prisoners seriosuly injured .
9 Glasgow was for long suspicious of ‘ the electricity ’ , and St Enoch 's Station and the General Post Office remained the sole public buildings lit by the new method until the 1890s .
10 There were a few couples whose friendship was of long standing and who were always seen about together .
11 The most likely explanation is that the illness which took his life within ten days of his baptism in Rome on 10 April 689 was of long standing and that Caedwalla abdicated in the knowledge that his health was failing .
12 The way to the front door was of long , unevenly sunken slabs of concrete so that the path was little more than a series of stepping stones .
13 Patients included in the present study had diarrhoea that in some cases was of long duration .
14 From the context it is clear that the secret , whatever it was , was of long standing . ’
15 In the lobby , I braved the stares of the milling guests , for I was in long skirts again and long skirts on a Western woman at ten in the morning were a bit peculiar , even in that centre for strangers in a strange land .
16 He was in Long Lartin prison when he wrote to me , but by the time that I was able to make contact with him , he had been transferred to Winson Green prison .
17 He was on long term treatment with frusemide ( 80 mg twice a day ) , enalapril ( 10 mg once a day ) , isosorbide mononitrate ( 10 mg once a day ) , and aspirin ( 150 mg once a day ) .
18 The next race was at Long Beach in California , billed as the US Grand Prix West , and though it ran through some streets , its relationship to Monaco , much hyped in the local press , was pretty tenuous .
19 However , as you probably know , the Earnings Rule was at long last abolished at the start of October 1989 .
20 In order to have peace and Philip 's support in his bid to be recognized , once and for all , as heir to the throne , it seems that Richard was at long last ready to marry Alice .
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