Example sentences of "[was/were] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Only the barons , knights and free tenants were to enjoy these rights .
2 They were replenished each evening with barrels of muddy water brought from the lake on donkey carts .
3 They counted the number of the copulations and they found the females were copulating much more than they needed in order to have , have offspring , so the big problem is why do female adders go to all the trouble of extra copulations with extra males when they could easily just make do with one or two and store the semen , and er the consequence as you could have predicted I think having attended my lectures , is that there does seem to be selection for erm sperm competition in male adders and the , the supposition seems to be that females are openly inciting male sperm competition , because they 're mating with many more males than they need to and there does n't seem to be another gain , they do n't get provisioning from a male , they , all they get is sperm .
4 I fancy that across the channel where Napoleon 's wars were ravaging all Europe , our two innkeepers fell flat as pancakes , and were it not for the felicities of their translator they would scarcely be worth comment .
5 It was not a cause of poor economic performance ; it was yet another consequence of the attitudes which were shaping that performance .
6 Trips to Vienna were arranged this year to reward sales successes .
7 A quiet that was close to let-down replaced the wild bustle of the preparation but they were enjoying each other 's company , the animal comfort of other presences , banishment of loneliness .
8 It had sounded almost as though the tunnel itself were enjoying some deeper , darker joke whose significance not even his father had fully understood .
9 One morning of diagonal sleet and frozen puddles we were unloading some Jewish families at a rude hamlet on the River Bug .
10 ‘ It is an open secret that they were seeing each other regularly until all hell broke loose back in the summer , ’ said a source close to Camilla last night .
11 and I ca n't remember what , the last time we were seeing each other it
12 Before the study began , few people knew about the dolphin , but the upsurge in public interest prompted many locals to claim that they were seeing more dolphins recently than ever before , whereas in fact they had probably just taken greater notice of something that had always been there .
13 The conclusions were challenged by Mr Joe Rich , chairman of the British Dental Association 's General Dental Services Committee , who said it was ‘ probably true ’ that more teeth were being extracted because dentists were seeing more patients .
14 Anyway , he thought they would be drifting apart a bit now , perversely but predictably because they were seeing more of each other , not just weekends ; Stock stayed the night at the horrible little place in Islington quite often , but Slater thought Sara might be getting bored with the black-leather macho man .
15 None had been seen at that time in the Harwell experiments that preceded ZETA but Kurchatov announced that the Soviets were seeing some neutrons which were due to fusion occurring , but were unlikely to be from thermonuclear fusion because the rate of their production did not vary with current in the expected way .
16 Teachers involved in LAMP found the changes they were making in their teaching approaches were encouraging all their pupils to become more involved in their mathematics and to surpass traditional expectations at every level .
17 From then on , every two years or so , they were to acquire more brothers and sisters : Elizabeth ; Mary , who died the year after her birth ; then Sarah or Susanna , baptised along with a new Mary in 1784 .
18 BY last night two teachers were outstripping all others in the race to be Teacher of the Year .
19 Seventeen were completed that year , all without rudder pedals .
20 Co. that Masai-loving administrators were allowing these useless people to tie up many thousands of acres of valuable agricultural land .
21 We were firing this damn thing , then they started banging us some , .
22 In the 1970s Australia and California were producing such full , fruity and oaky Chardonnays that it was hard to drink more than one glass .
23 The colonists had enough newspapers to take any visiting Englishman aback , and were developing industries fast enough to disturb the balance of the integrated commercial system : in 1699 Americans were forbidden to spin woollens for export , even to another colony ; in 1732 a similar limitation was placed on the manufacture of hats and caps ; and in 1750 the Iron Act allowed them to smelt iron ore into pig iron but forbade them to go any further in processing it , though in the event the American colonies were producing more iron and steel than Britain by 1775 .
24 They rapidly erected the Clifton ironworks near Glasgow and early in the following year were producing some 600 tons of finished malleable iron products per month .
25 By 1865 , over 130 lace making factories were producing this delicate fabric on machines powered by the abundance of local coal .
26 To pursue the question put by the hon. and learned Member for Fife , North-East ( Mr. Campbell ) , the Secretary of State will be aware that the long lead orders for the four Trident submarines were placed some time ago and that construction is quite well advanced .
27 A board beside it bore a specification of the car and an outline of the services offered by Hazards Limited , who were sponsoring this prize for the first player to ace the hole .
28 At first it appeared a good development for the island — the Germans promised to look after poor patients with tuberculosis and , in return , were given many favourable concessions such as duty-free importation of equipment and the right to expropriate land .
29 ‘ Whereas we had a comfortable semi-final win on Saturday , Powerhouse were forced to show their hand when they were given such a hard match by Jets in their semi-final , ’ said Stokes , who was an interested spectator .
30 Ultimately we were given that assurance and er we were quite proud of the fact that , you know , the members had gone along with us on the proviso that we had got that principle you know , to establish .
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