Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] begin " in BNC.

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1 What Myeloski did n't tell Duncan was that things were slowly beginning to take shape in his mind .
2 It includes Conwy and Caernarfon , whose castles were only begun in 1283 and not finished until 1292 , and it has therefore been suggested that it was made over a period of years .
3 Had the German attack been mounted on 12 February , as planned , the French , caught as it were in transit — for though now aware of the impending peril they were only beginning to bring up reinforcements — must have been overcome in a total and horrible manner .
4 I fear that the courts sorely missed assistance from academic lawyers specialising in this branch of the law ; but the law faculties in our universities were only beginning to be established towards the end of the 19th century .
5 Moreover , in 1973 one deputy minister of foreign trade described the deficiencies in Soviet marketing as follows : ‘ While we were only beginning to understand that before entering the marketplace we had to study it , determining which machinery could or could not be supplied where , as well as how to organise the work involved , capitalist firms had already created a whole science to deal with the question , coordinating production , advertising and commercial activity into a single discipline ’ ( N. Smeliakov , Novy mir , 12 ( Dec. ) 1973 , 216–17 ) .
6 School meals were only to begin some four years later .
7 Only the new trench leading to the banqueting hall cut a brown gash through the green , but even there green moustaches were perhaps beginning to cover the lips of the parapets … the Collector hoped they were : he did not want the ramparts to be washed away .
8 They organised events for charity , gave concerts , formed clubs , and were generally beginning to become part of the administration .
9 Many were just beginning to see shares and unit trusts — bought two years ago before the crash of 1987 — regain those levels .
10 The big regatta dances in the huge grey tent down by the quay in Carrick were just beginning but there were so few days left of the holiday that Maggie preferred to spend them about the house chatting with Rose or her sisters around the fire or talking with Michael out in the front garden among his flowerbeds ; and sometimes during long breaks in the rain they would go out to where Moran was tidying up in the meadows .
11 What distinguishes Regency houses perhaps most of all is the elaborate use of ironwork , which architects were just beginning to think of using as a matter of course .
12 Ronnie Ross : ‘ At the time he came to see me for lessons , groups like The Rolling Stones were just beginning to come into vogue although he was more interested in jazz , and we 'd sit and talk about jazz and jazz musicians quite often .
13 The hedges were just beginning to take a firm hold , and the lawns still showed the geometric pattern of the turfs as they had been fitted together .
14 The rock ‘ n ’ roll years were just beginning .
15 It was at the time when The Jesus And Mary Chain were just beginning to bumble along .
16 The man who ushered in a golden age of middle-distance running , Brendan Foster , was at the peak of his powers and the two men who were to carry it to the greatest heights , Steve Ovett and Sebastian Coe , were just beginning to emerge .
17 I started thinking about AIDS — we were just beginning to hear about it then , though we were n't too sure how you could contract it .
18 There churches were just beginning .
19 I was mostly bored by the degree course I was doing and spent more and more of my time skiving off to extra-mural classes in Women 's Studies , which were just beginning to happen , and devouring feminist books .
20 Although cheaper cars were just beginning to appear , owning a motor car was still the prerogative of the rich .
21 The conditions for the crossing were not much worse than for the criminals who were just beginning to be shipped across from England in the 1670s , and the death rates were not much higher .
22 It is thought to be unlikely that the action will be settled out of court , and prospects of a rapprochement between the OSF and Sun — that were just beginning to be talked about ( UX No 379 , 380 ) — now appear remote .
23 A blackbird sang from a hazel tree with swinging yellow catkins ; buds were just beginning to open into miniature bright green leaves .
24 Skilled workers , subject to the same ‘ de-skilling ’ threat that their Russian counterparts were just beginning to experience , joined with previously unorganized workers in large factories to challenge the caution of the old artisan-dominated labour movement .
25 These changes , which were just beginning to develop at the end of Marx 's life have thrown into question much of this original Marxist theory and account for the modern debate about whether or not the capitalist state is always ( or ever ) an instrument which defends the interests of the ruling class in a repressive way .
26 Physical chemists like Vernon Harcourt in Oxford were just beginning to study reaction-mechanisms in a few simple cases in the 1860s , and at the same period in France P. M. Berthelot was performing total syntheses , and in Norway C. M. Guldberg and P. Waage discovered the Law of Mass Action governing chemical equilibria .
27 At home , in Church Row , Nona 's parents were just beginning to get worried about her .
28 The flowers bloomed happily in the soft sunshine , complemented by the gently swaying leaves of the trees , which were just beginning to be touched by the colours of autumn .
29 I thought you two were just beginning to get on swimmingly — sorry about that — up at the Ally Pally pond . ’
30 Although the stark trees were just beginning to be in leaf , and familiarity had lessened the menacing air of the place , Theda still found herself uncomfortable within it .
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