Example sentences of "[was/were] [adv] see " in BNC.

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1 Professor T , R. Lee said that people were exercised about the dangers to life from railways when they were new , but they were eventually seen as negligible , with the implication for some that the same sequence would happen with nuclear energy .
2 Since the communists were widely seen as an anti-national party , free elections would have been a disaster .
3 Both these stories were widely seen as an attempt to ‘ shoe-in ’ Gordon Brown rather than Smith in the event of a leadership vacancy , although Brown , it must be said , had no part in them .
4 The reforms were widely seen as a reaction to public controversy over insider trading practices sparked by the emergence in January 1989 of the Pechiney affair [ see pp. 36403 ; 36706 ] .
5 In January 1990 tense relations between the Justice Ministry and the warders ' unions , as well as low staff morale , were widely seen as the indirect cause of a series of 28 prison escapes in six weeks .
6 Although the PNP campaigned on local issues , the elections were widely seen as a test of the party 's popularity following the devaluation and austerity measures introduced in February [ see below ] .
7 The moves were widely seen as part of an attempt to end the 15-year civil war by meeting conditions demanded by the opposition UNITA rebels .
8 Reforms were widely seen as essential if the current deadlock in trade negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) were to be broken [ see p. 38411 ] , but the Commission 's proposals were criticized on July 15-16 by EC agriculture ministers , notably by the Netherlands and the United Kingdom on the grounds that they favoured inefficient smaller farmers .
9 The framework for an Asian Free Trade Area ( AFTA ) , and formation of a " non-institutional " discussion forum to be called the East Asian Economic Caucus ( EAEC ) , were widely seen as diluting the proposals put forward by Malaysia at the beginning of the year [ see p. 38101 ] for an East Asian Economic Grouping ( EAEG ) .
10 Turkey and Iran were widely seen to be vying for influence in the area .
11 Remarks made on Dec. 6 by an APLA spokesperson were widely seen as a " declaration of war " on the white community , and APLA was also believed to have been responsible for various other incidents .
12 Strangers were rarely seen on that private and closely guarded property .
13 The couple had lived at the bungalow since 1938 , but were rarely seen in later years .
14 Moustaches and beards were rarely seen on skins ; shaving was obligatory and stubble not accepted .
15 Most of the current generation of older people were born at a time when the motor car was an unusual sight on the streets , aeroplanes were rarely seen in the skies , telephones were rare , radio and television were many years from invention .
16 Nobody knew what legal matters they had to sort out as they were spied from Martindale 's Gate traversing the shrubbery paths of The Hall in deep conversation , and they were rarely seen in company in the village except on an occasional outing together to buy postage stamps .
17 Socially , they were rarely seen together except at John Lehmann 's .
18 An additional comment , raised during the plenary session , was that those from ethnic communities were rarely seen as a positive resource able to offer a new expertise , but that , rather , they were regarded as being doubly disadvantaged in that they were often seen as not being fluent users of English and not being part of the British culture .
19 Among his innovations was the provision of charts , bound up as atlases , for the use of officers in Her Majesty 's ships , in addition to those specially provided for the ship 's navigation , which were rarely seen by officers other than the captain and the navigator .
20 Guiding stars were rarely seen .
21 These houses were rarely seen by travellers who passed through the town on their way from Derby to Manchester .
22 Only 68 cases were seen in England in 1976 and these were mostly seen in or near ports .
23 Writing began out of the tremendous need to understand why those of us who formed the early groups were suddenly seeing our lives and the history we had learned through new eyes .
24 The car which had caught the little boy 's eye was a black 6-series BMW saloon — a car which possessed far more style and expensive panache than those which were normally seen around .
25 However , horns were generally seen as desirable , especially for harnessing plough oxen , and it was not until the eighteenth century that Scottish farmers began to breed selectively for the polled factor in order to make the cattle of Galloway easier to manage on the long droves to the London markets .
26 Yet they are commonly sited in dark and inaccessible places , and we really do not know how often , if at all , they were generally seen , within the period and culture in which they were made .
27 Indeed his fellows were not to see that cadet again .
28 We were not to see the famous ‘ stoop ’ dive on to prey after all .
29 His family , friends and colleagues were not to see him again for 19 months .
30 In the eyes of such politicians , industrial managers were not seen as the creators of the nation 's wealth , and the providers of job opportunities for the people , but as despoilers of the environment ; obsolete men , peddling obsolete views , who did n't really fit in with the new social scheme of things .
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