Example sentences of "[is] seen by " in BNC.

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1 A Disaffection is a problematical book — because of this closeness : we learn very little about how Doyle is seen by companions , very little about the standpoint of those who surround him , those with whom he has his tender and abrasive dealings , with whom he airs his invectives and bitter ironies , with whom he conducts his antagonisms and ingratiations .
2 Rather than such force being seen as a prerogative of the state , it is seen by many in the alliance to inhere in the people of Ulster who over and over again need to assert their autonomous rights .
3 The lack of accounting harmonisation , particularly between the US and the UK , is seen by many bankers as the key issue in the development of the Euro-equity market , where new issues of shares are offered in more than one country simultaneously .
4 Where it is seen by work colleagues to be getting out of kilter , informal controls can be used to restore equilibrium .
5 This is indicative of how the development of local knowledge is seen by the neighbourhood men as a key measure of their competence and effectiveness , as it was with the section police .
6 In the short run this new body is seen by the Commission as a useful means of delaying or diverting the application of countries such as Austria which want to belong to the inner core of the 12 European Community states .
7 THE outlook for retail sales is seen by Midland Montagu Research to be of ‘ pivotal importance to the economy . ’
8 We advertise extensively , so your property is seen by more people .
9 To their credit , several cabinet members , including the defence and foreign ministers , opposed the choice of Mr Zeevi who is seen by many people as successor to the late Meir Kahane .
10 The thriving vulpine population is seen by various urban authorities as a problem .
11 Metrolink is seen by transport planners and environmentalists as the first serious attempt to squeeze non-essential car users out of Manchester city centre .
12 Whatever its faults , Israel Radio is seen by many as preferable to the wooden programmes broadcast from Arab capitals .
13 Representing Dagenham , in east London , Mr Gould is seen by some colleagues as well-placed to assess how Labour can broaden its appeal to the communities that have rejected it at four general elections in a row .
14 For there can be no doubt that Expressive behaviour as understood by Tormey — a state of emotional arousal in a person relating prepositionally to an object ( or person ) outside that person — is seen by the Stanislavskian School as a proper way for an actor to behave on stage .
15 That the policy is not restricted to increasing the knowledge of parents of pupils is seen by the access provisions under the various Regulations .
16 Moving into Central and Southern Africa , Zambia 's post-colonial conservation programme is seen by Robinson ( 1978b ) to have been adversely affected by the preceding oppressive colonial efforts at conservation .
17 The bureau is seen by many Asian people as a government agency for white people only , and as their English is poor and they have a different cultural background , special efforts need to be made to attract these potential clients , who often have complex problems .
18 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
19 This increased mobility is seen by Naville as a source of great dissatisfaction .
20 Often the client is seen by the most junior doctors , who rely on the sister 's expertise to dress the wound .
21 This ‘ normal ’ requirement is seen by many commentators as being totally impracticable for most small companies , and fairly difficult even for some large companies , particularly given the extended period which now needs to be considered .
22 Although a revised standard on going concern is needed , it is important that this SAS , which is seen by many as a critical element in reducing the expectation gap , is not rushed and that due consideration is given to all the issues the commentators have raised .
23 In other words science is seen by Parsons to be free from social determination as long as it is not penetrated by secondary selectivity or ‘ ideology ’ .
24 The 21-year-old winger is seen by Porterfield as a player for the future : ‘ He is big , strong , quick and good with both feet .
25 If a laying cuckoo is seen by the hosts it is vigorously mobbed and chased and , more importantly from the cuckoo 's point of view , its egg is more likely to be ejected .
26 Amnesty strives to stop rape because , in keeping with our mandate , it is seen by us as ‘ cruel and inhuman ’ ; not because of the social consequences .
27 Sport is seen by many black kids as much , much more than a hobby ; in the words of decathlete Fidelius Obukw , it is ‘ a way of finding yourself .
28 That we do not treat animals with at least the same respect that we treat such unfortunate human creatures is seen by the liberationists as ‘ speciesism ’ in its purest form based as it is only upon the anatomical difference .
29 It is no longer something mystical but is seen by some as an internal commentary on our own behaviour ( Gazzaniga 1985 ) .
30 These impressions he/she could perhaps spell out , verbalizing them for the benefit of the student and anyone else who has a legitimate interest in knowing how the student is seen by people close to him/her .
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