Example sentences of "[is] where the " in BNC.

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1 The real question , wrote Harsnet , is where the short run ends and the long run begins , since in the long run long and short are also without meaning .
3 This is where the ‘ wake-up-a-poet-or-a-madman ’ legend is properly located — it was Mrs Hemans , I think , who transposed it from Maen Du'r Arddu to Llyn Cau .
4 Yet what such a comic ploy demands is , precisely , performers capable of representing stereotypes ; and , whatever the evidence to the contrary , that is where the true talent of the Pythonites lay .
5 The tradition for diesel cars is far better established on the Continent and that is where the best buys come from .
6 Inevitably , we are talking about the South-east , which is where the development pressure is .
7 That is where the jobs are .
8 What the vice-chancellors are asking , very simply , is where the necessary additional funds are to come from .
9 ‘ What worries us most is where the takeout will come from , ’ John Atkins of Phillips & Drew said .
10 It was reflected in the expressions used by some members of the RUC ( ‘ OK , let's hit the streets and do it to them before they do it to us ’ , ‘ This is where the law stops and I take over , sucker ’ , the reference to probationary police as ‘ rookies ’ and to bullets as ‘ slugs ’ ) , their dress ( mirror sunglasses , blue jeans , and white T-shirt , sometimes with the Miami-Vice parallel reinforced by the words being printed on the T-shirt ) , and other ephemera ( the engraving of ‘ San Quentin' on the keys to the cells , jumping through the enquiry room window rather than using the door ) .
11 That is where the plugger and press officer come on the scene .
12 This means that we should pay special attention to The Origin , since this is where the matter is discussed extensively .
13 It would make around £35000 at auction and there is no doubt that this is where the best value can be had .
14 What we have not yet considered is where the body clock is and how it is adjusted by external time-cues .
15 ‘ This is where the problems arise . ’
16 This is where the Department of Trade comes in — and indeed where there is a tenuous and innocent link with Cecil Parkinson and last week 's huffy statement from his lawyers .
17 This is an issue which Western Governments and unions are only really beginning to grapple with in the context of the Single European market , and for many that is where the debate will stay for some time .
18 The pleasure comes from the fact that , as Mr Larcher pointed out sweetly , Hull is where the Vikings landed before going on to found Jorvik [ York ] .
19 This is where the solitary and delicate Alice , whose health was her predominant worry , decided to create her little demesne .
20 Here is where the frowns/smiles are most justified : EC-German argument will be hard to avoid .
21 Now only Suzy remained by Seth 's side , and there , a few days later , is where the story ends .
22 And that is where the three bored blacks came in .
23 A l'Image Nostre Dame , down an alley off Rue du Marché aux Herbes , is a friendly old Flemish tavern , while Kitty O'Shea 's , 123 Rue Stevin , is where the local Irish folk and other from Berlaymont go to talk the night away .
24 This is where the real debate is and where the Government have succeeded in taking the high ground .
25 It is the software that is of most interest here since that is where the ‘ intelligence ’ of the facility resides .
26 One of the circumstances constituting this offence is where the penis penetrate the anus of a male or a female , and the maximum penalty is life imprisonment .
27 In this case , it is not unusual for them to decide to get another dog to keep their first dog company , and this is where the problems can arise — especially if the second dog is younger , or of a more submissive character .
28 This is where the boxing writers ' grumble : they want to see you flatten your opponent , not display your moves .
29 One day the settee is opposite the door , the next it is where the telly was before it was swapped round with the nest of tables .
30 This is where the special evangelical emphasis in the Party becomes interesting .
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